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Opinions on Primers

Allen Barnett
James Hensler
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Opinions on Primers Empty Opinions on Primers

Post by James Hensler 4/7/2020, 10:45 pm

With the great primer shortage I have been asked by a few shooters if I thought primers really matter. After having a few WLP’s not go boom about 5 years ago I switched to Federal 150 primers. I was told that because I was using a lighter main spring the Federal primers would work better because They are softer. I have no idea if that true or false. I can say I have NEVER had a primer malfunction using theses. So now I am thinking of switching again and trying Federal Gold Medal Match primers. Once again I was told the the GMM primers are more consistent and I should see a reduction in Standard deviation with my chrono. I don’t know but since I am out of the 150’s I said what the hell let’s try and I ordered 3k from Jim and we shall see. So back to my question do you think or know for a fact primers make a difference? I am not talking about Magnum or anything like that
James Hensler
James Hensler

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Opinions on Primers Empty Re: Opinions on Primers

Post by willnewton 4/7/2020, 11:04 pm

The primer brand has not mattered much to me.

What has mattered is taking exceptional care slightly oversetting primers for lightly sprung target revolvers. I can’t reliably shoot my buddies reloads of the same primer make, as he takes no care for primer setting, but my revolver reloads set a few thousandths below flush are 100% reliable.
Never had any primer issue with a 1911, regardless of who loaded it.

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Opinions on Primers Empty Re: Opinions on Primers

Post by Allen Barnett 4/7/2020, 11:42 pm

I used CCI years ago and came to dislike them.  I have a good friend that if it is not a Winchester he won't use it, never really cared for them either just like the CCI.  Tried some Federal and have never looked back.  Wether it matters or not I shoot only the Gold Medal Match primers.  To me it is kind of a confidence builder knowing that supposedly I am using the best I can get.  And to answer your question unless we are a high master looking to be the next national champion I really don't think it matter. Just my opinion.

Allen Barnett

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Opinions on Primers Empty Re: Opinions on Primers

Post by Al 4/7/2020, 11:46 pm

Pretty much just use Winchesters. Have had a total of 1 dud in over 80,000 rounds.


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Opinions on Primers Empty Re: Opinions on Primers

Post by jglenn21 4/7/2020, 11:52 pm

With what we shoot in mind, the only difference I've seen is a Win LP verses other large.pistol..I chronoed Win verses others and saw around 50 fps more velocity with the Win. I assumed it was because of their claim to being both a std and mag...something to.keep in mind when using someone else's loads.. I believe my test was all jacketed

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Opinions on Primers Empty Re: Opinions on Primers

Post by Jwhelan939 4/8/2020, 12:47 am

I honestly don't think it matters. I use Winchester for for all pistol loads and cci for rifle. Honestly I only use cci because I like that the rifle and pistol primers are a different color. Makes I'd easier. I load about 20k Winchester a year and they always go bang. Good enough for me.


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Opinions on Primers Empty Re: Opinions on Primers

Post by chiz1180 4/8/2020, 1:16 am

My wadgun likes federal. Gets upset every 100 or so rounds if I use something else. The only thing I don’t like about the federal primers is the packaging, seems overly bulky

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Opinions on Primers Empty Re: Opinions on Primers

Post by James Hensler 4/8/2020, 2:04 am

All good answers
James Hensler
James Hensler

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Opinions on Primers Empty Re: Opinions on Primers

Post by Guest 4/8/2020, 3:15 am

Maybe I'm the only one seeing the "elephant in the room" here, but in the current crisis situation I suggest that you buy whichever primers you can get!

I placed an order with Graf's the other day for Large Pistol (Federal Match - the only thing they apparently had in stock), they called me this morning to advise that they only had half of my order and that was their final stock - no word on when more might come in - I took what I could get and left the rest on backorder.

I just spent best part of an hour searching for Small Pistol - finally found some CCI at Natchez, limit of 5 boxes per customer - order placed, with some bullets and stuff to soften the HAZMAT/shipping cost impact. Midway are restricting to one box per customer - which makes no sense with HAZMAT fees, etc.

I should now be good for the rest of this year at least. Whew!

From my searching - good luck finding any Winchester primers of any type or size anywhere!

Powder is also getting close to short supply. And don't even mention 22LR ammo (but Champions choice still appear to have CCI SV available - take pot luck whether it goes bang or not!).


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Opinions on Primers Empty Re: Opinions on Primers

Post by James Hensler 4/8/2020, 2:50 pm

Jim has WLP and I think WSP at US Reloading 941-204-7492
He also has a big order for Federal coming placed the order yesterday
James Hensler
James Hensler

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Opinions on Primers Empty Re: Opinions on Primers

Post by Guest 4/8/2020, 4:59 pm

Jim, thanks for the tip. But, according to the US Reloading Supply website, currently they are only selling primers to walk-in customers at their Venice, Florida outlet. Bit more than a quick shopping trip for me from the Oregon Coast!

I did try calling Jim Swindle (unfortunate last name), but no answer.

No sweat, I've got enough on order from various places to keep me going through the summer.


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Opinions on Primers Empty Re: Opinions on Primers

Post by Guest 4/8/2020, 5:49 pm

Jim Swindle did call me back, but he confirmed that they only have a few thousand LPP's and zero SPP's right now. Hence only local sales for whatever they currently have left in stock.

If you live near Naples FL and are desperate for some LPP's I suggest that you get over to US Reloading Supply soonest.


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Opinions on Primers Empty Re: Opinions on Primers

Post by oldsalt444 4/8/2020, 6:01 pm

I buy whatever is cheap or available.  Pretty much a primer is a primer is a primer.  The differences are negligible, except for magnum primers.  Otherwise I can't tell the difference.

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Opinions on Primers Empty Re: Opinions on Primers

Post by James Hensler 4/8/2020, 6:44 pm

radjag wrote:Jim Swindle did call me back, but he confirmed that they only have a few thousand LPP's and zero SPP's right now. Hence only local sales for whatever they currently have left in stock.

If you live near Naples FL and are desperate for some LPP's I suggest that you get over to US Reloading Supply soonest.
Is reloading is only in Venice. Venice is about 2-2 1/2 hours north of Naples 
Jim is a really good dude to work with
James Hensler
James Hensler

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Opinions on Primers Empty Re: Opinions on Primers

Post by orpheoet 4/9/2020, 6:45 am

I use Winchester because I never have issues with light strikes when shooting revolver. I have had issues with CCI and revolvers. Remington and Federal Match have both worked well for me but for some reason I don't see them consistently in my area.

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