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What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today?

james r chapman
Jack H
Asa Yam
machinist mike
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What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today? - Page 2 Empty What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today?

Post by smsnyder Thu Apr 23, 2020 9:58 am

First topic message reminder :

Yep many pistols being made out of polymer/ plastic today. What you guys think?


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What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today?

Post by tovaert Mon Apr 27, 2020 8:03 am

I believe someone here posted some pretty impressive Ranson test results with a CZ P-09. 50 yd group rivaled expensive custom guns.


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What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today?

Post by LenV Wed Jun 10, 2020 2:23 am

What has changed? I have the same opinion of Tupperware guns as I did in 71 when they took away my 14 and handed me a 16. I think they were Mattell instead of Tupperware back then.

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What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today?

Post by james r chapman Wed Jun 10, 2020 5:56 am

LenV wrote:What has changed? I have the same opinion of Tupperware guns as I did in 71 when they took away my 14 and handed me a 16. I think they were Mattell instead of Tupperware back then.
Yeah, going from .38 Special to .32 S&W Long would suck!

james r chapman
james r chapman

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What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today?

Post by LenV Wed Jun 10, 2020 3:43 pm

james r chapman wrote:
LenV wrote:What has changed? I have the same opinion of Tupperware guns as I did in 71 when they took away my 14 and handed me a 16. I think they were Mattell instead of Tupperware back then.
Yeah, going from .38 Special to .32 S&W Long would suck!

You have the same twisted sense of humor that I do. Love it. More like going from a real rifle (7.62) to a squirrel gun.

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What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today?

Post by New2BE Mon Oct 19, 2020 4:08 am

For mass issue applications as a service pistol they generally  make an acceptable choice. Lightweight, accurate and reliable. Can be shot with most DOJ approved ammo such as +p+ 9mm 124 gr WW Ranger. Easy to maintain and require few to almost no tools to maintain. Most have rails to facilitate mounting of weapon mounted lights.  Wide variety of holsters available. Many such as the Glock have an excellent performance record with no issues in actual armed encounters. Parts are interchangeable with little to no fitting.

Amazing sidearms. Very handy when you need a handgun for self defense.

That being said, I sold all my Glocks years back and never looked back. No combat Tupperware S&W or Sigs for me either. 

If I require a firearm for self defense and have no long guns available, it’s a 1911, M9 or S&W .357 K or L frame for me. Call me old fashioned, that’s ok, I am old and proud of it. I’ll leave the self defense scenarios and applications to the youngsters who love that stuff.


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What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today?

Post by Outthere Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:12 am

They are excellent for their intended purpose. Their light weight is really appreciated when you have to carry one day in and day out.

Last edited by Outthere on Mon Oct 19, 2020 6:13 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Spelling)

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What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today?

Post by rich.tullo Mon Nov 16, 2020 6:32 pm

I think KKM makes a good drop in barrel for the XDM, Typically folks wield up the hoods. I think Out of the Box the CZ will be a bit more accurate. 

The great thing about the XDM is it has a terrific recoil system and I think I would give it the edge on the short line.

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What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today?

Post by rwleonard Thu Mar 18, 2021 11:16 pm

Plus one for KKM.  My G19 with a drop-in KKM barrel will consistently put ten 147 gr Speer G2's inside 3" at 50 yards and has yet to offer up a malfunction of sort.


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What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today?

Post by Texasref Sat Mar 27, 2021 10:33 am

I have several polymer pistols. They are made to carry more than anything else. That's not to say they won't shoot straight, just not a target gun. 
The XDM-5.25" with it's longer sight radius is a shooter, as is the CZ and Sig P320 Legion. I don't carry them, or a 1911.
My point is that you could drag a polymer down to the range behind the car and it will shoot. A buddy bought a SW new, shoot it for 5000 rounds, never cleaned it. Just kept going. So for carry the plastic guns do exactly what they are intended for: point and shoot every time.
Just my thoughts.


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What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today? - Page 2 Empty Tupperware

Post by rich.tullo Mon Apr 12, 2021 1:44 pm

I just got a PPQ because I wanted a cheap 9mm and wanted to play around and see if it can shoot. So far, I like it. The trigger was rough out of the box and after roughly $30 in springs got it acceptable and great for a striker fire gun. 

My selection of factory ammo at the moment is not great. I have been told 124gn Speer lawman shoot great out of these, So far with Remington UMC it hold the 10 ring at 25 yards no problem and I am still working on developing reloads. Factory ammo is snappy and I would like something that is little softer. 

So far everything is not as good as factory ammo but I have not tested everything. 

Is it as good as a revolver or a 1911 no and it never will be but if you have a new shooter that does not have BE equipment and has a Glock , Sig , XDM , CZ or Walther , I think with minimal investment they can shoot a few matches and get to sharpshooter scores with these guns.

Given the triggers on these guns are inferior to a revolver or 1911, starting with these force you to focus on trigger control because you will never hit the Bullseye with these if you try to snatch an X. 

I think most of the guns I cite above will hold the backer at 50 yards and most new shooters will have trouble holding the backer even with a Accuracy X. So if we want to grow our sport we need to encourage people to shoot with what they have and not what we want them to use. If they like bullseye they will make the investment.

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What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today? - Page 2 Empty Re: What is your opinion on the tupper ware pistols today?

Post by Bren Tue Apr 13, 2021 11:07 am

Asa Yam wrote:
zanemoseley wrote:... and the frame "rails" are usually molded into the polymer so you'll have limited options for fitting and welding if you decide to accurize.
SIG P320 rails are not part of the polymer receiver, but rather a component of the fire control unit.    Now, if only we can get oversized lugs on a P320 FCU so it can be fitted to a slide...
Does it need to be fitted to the slide? Does the barrel need to be fitted to the slide? My P320 X-Five has a large gap between the barrel and the slide, so you would think it couldn't be accurate, but it's one of the most accurate guns I own, so I use it for centerfire (stock, except for trigger). My best guess is that it's not a 1911, so the points that make a 1911 accurate are not necessarily the points that make a P320 accurate.

On the polymer pistol topic, I just got a Gen 5 Glock 45 (9mm) and it's very accurate after a little polishing of the trigger parts. Golf ball sized groups at a little over 25 yards, when I was sighting in some new sights on it. My older 17s can't even get close.

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