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Brake fluid spraY

James Hensler
Ed Hall
Jon Eulette
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 Brake fluid spraY Empty Brake fluid spraY

Post by xman 4/28/2020, 3:23 pm

Brake fluid spray
Is brake fluid spray a good tool to use to get a 22 to clean in stead having to break it down to its individual parts I heard of this being used before but I don’t know if it was hearsay or not. Just spray the brains out of the magazine area, behind the bolt down to the barrel etc. etc.

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 Brake fluid spraY Empty Re: Brake fluid spraY

Post by Jon Eulette 4/28/2020, 3:25 pm

I'd be careful. I once sprayed an M16 with some brake cleaner and removed the finish. Not a good day lol.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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 Brake fluid spraY Empty Re: Brake fluid spraY

Post by STEVE SAMELAK 4/28/2020, 3:39 pm

IF you do.....make sure it's the NON-CHLORINATED stuff.
Also be aware that it will remove the protective oil & lubricant from EVERYTHING.

I personally thing the better route would be to a thorough job rather than quick & easy...assuming you like your toys to last.

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 Brake fluid spraY Empty Re: Brake fluid spraY

Post by xman 4/28/2020, 4:34 pm

Is break free spray a better alternative to use or any other spray type liquid?

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 Brake fluid spraY Empty Re: Brake fluid spraY

Post by Ed Hall 4/28/2020, 4:40 pm

Do note that brake fluid is not brake cleaner!  Brake fluid is the hydraulic "liquid" that operates brakes and I've never seen it in a spray form.

OTOH, brake cleaner is used to clean contaminants off pads, shoes, rotors and drums and is what I use on my 1911s, but I do not like the "green" version.  I use the red can version.  The one I use is named Brakleen.  As mentioned, it will remove everything that isn't physically part of the metal.  You HAVE to lubricate after using it, because the metal will be bone dry.

Brake Free is something different.  It is known as CLP (Cleaner-Lubricant-Preservative).  That is what I use to lubricate my 1911s (after cleaning with Brakleen).

Ed Hall

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 Brake fluid spraY Empty Re: Brake fluid spraY

Post by zanemoseley 4/28/2020, 4:56 pm

Ed Hall wrote:Do note that brake fluid is not brake cleaner!  Brake fluid is the hydraulic "liquid" that operates brakes and I've never seen it in a spray form.

OTOH, brake cleaner is used to clean contaminants off pads, shoes, rotors and drums and is what I use on my 1911s, but I do not like the "green" version.  I use the red can version.  The one I use is named Brakleen.  As mentioned, it will remove everything that isn't physically part of the metal.  You HAVE to lubricate after using it, because the metal will be bone dry.

Brake Free is something different.  It is known as CLP (Cleaner-Lubricant-Preservative).  That is what I use to lubricate my 1911s (after cleaning with Brakleen).

Very good info here. Personally I try to use no more than CLP with brushes but occasionally break out some bore cleaner or lead remover and try to use just on my barrel and keep away from finished surfaces. Most blued parts need little more than wiping of a microfiber cloth and CLP, occasionally a nylon brush, lead buildup is what drives me crazy.


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Post by James Hensler 4/28/2020, 5:07 pm

I use Red Can CRC for everything. 

Jon when I was in the Corps we cleaned our M16’s every time with brake clean! Never had an issue thank god. Armory took them in on the first try and pissed off the other platoons!
James Hensler
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Post by CrankyThunder 4/28/2020, 6:54 pm

Be careful, I would not use brake cleaner on plastic, rubber or scopes.  I also would not use it on firearms either, especially if I was not completely disassembling them.

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 Brake fluid spraY Empty Re: Brake fluid spraY

Post by James Hensler 4/28/2020, 10:53 pm

CrankyThunder wrote:Be careful, I would not use brake cleaner on plastic, rubber or scopes.  I also would not use it on firearms either, especially if I was not completely disassembling them.
Has to be 25 years worth and never a problem. Maybe I am lucky who knows. I do wash off with water after spraying though.
James Hensler
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Post by messenger 4/29/2020, 1:27 am

I wait till it goes on sale. Buy one case get one free. I use it all the time. But again, never use it on plastic, rubber, or optics. It is a very aggressive cleaner. I wear gloves when I clean my guns. If you are using brake cleaner use nitrile gloves. Brake cleaner will make silicone gloves expand.


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Post by rfirth 4/29/2020, 2:24 am

Birchwood Casey makes a product called Gun Scrubber. Although pricey compared to brake cleaner it does an excellent job. Much more friendly to plastics and finishes than brake cleaner.


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Post by BE Mike 4/29/2020, 5:17 am

I've been using G96 Crud Buster. It is safe on polymer. It costs a lot more than brake cleaner, but I think it is worth it. It appears to take off all lubrication, so I re-lube after each use. I was tempted to use brake cleaner, but I finally decided not to take a chance on my firearms.
BE Mike
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Post by John Dervis 4/29/2020, 5:14 pm

I've had pretty good success with this product from CRC.  It's designed for electronic parts so it's less likely to damage gun parts.  To me, it looks, acts, and smells like gun scrubber but less expensive. 
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John Dervis

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 Brake fluid spraY Empty Re: Brake fluid spraY

Post by TonyH 4/30/2020, 12:43 am

xman wrote:Brake fluid spray
Is brake fluid spray a good tool to use to get a 22 to clean in stead having to break it down to its individual parts I heard of this being used before but I don’t know if it was hearsay or not. Just spray the brains out of the magazine area, behind the bolt down to the barrel etc. etc.
The SDS(Safety Data Sheet) for the products above are attached. They list the chemicals with approximate percentages used in each product. Always a good idea to look at the SDS from that perspective and safety before using it.
Brakleen is mostly acetone and that is pretty nasty on many synthetics.
 Brake fluid spraY Attachment
GunScrubber.pdf Birchwood Casey Gun ScrubberYou don't have permission to download attachments.(331 Kb) Downloaded 12 times
 Brake fluid spraY Attachment
ElectronicsPartCleaner.pdf CRC Electronics CleanerYou don't have permission to download attachments.(197 Kb) Downloaded 14 times
 Brake fluid spraY Attachment
Brakleen.pdf CRC BrakleenYou don't have permission to download attachments.(208 Kb) Downloaded 8 times

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