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Cancelling matches? Says who?

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Cancelling matches?   Says who? - Page 2 Empty Cancelling matches? Says who?

Post by bruce martindale 5/1/2020, 3:31 pm

First topic message reminder :

I see the NRA is cancelling matches. One Month, then another month, and another... like an airline flight delay.

They have the right to cancel the Nationals, it's their show but what right do they have to cancel any others?

That should be a local sponsor call.

All the NRA does is compile data and accept fees. There's no health issue to them.

Perhaps they let the competitions staff go and this is their coverup?

If that's the case, you may never see another sanctioned match.


bruce martindale

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Cancelling matches?   Says who? - Page 2 Empty Re: Cancelling matches? Says who?

Post by CR10X 5/3/2020, 1:24 pm

One last thing. (Sorry, my rant continues.....) 

We couldn't get competitors to always make sure the gun was clear, magazine out, and safe on the bench without having to come up with chamber flags.

We're in the middle of a virus transmitted by asymptomatic people, with no actual working vaccine, with no actual documented treatment for complete recovery from the infection, with no guarantee that a person cannot be reinfected after recovery; using limited measures to just mitigate the transmission of this virus through some "recommended actions", and I'm going to be running matches where the average age is basically the most "at risk" group.  

How am I as a match director, even for a local match, keep people 6 feet away from each other, wear masks, wash hands and generally abide by all the recommended guidelines?   Heck, even the people at the local grocery store and wally world can't even follow the arrows on the floor telling which direction the traffic in the aisles should be going according the local guidelines.   If I don't enforce the guidelines, I may be potentially liable (morally if not legally).  If I do enforce the guidelines and throw someone out, where is the specific authority for me to do so going to come from?   

6 feet on either side at my range means only one person every third position or 7 people for 20 positions.  That's about a 1/3 of the normal available spaces.  I have 20 signed up for every match and a waiting list, how will I even pick who can attend and and still go through the logistics for a 1/3 normal turnout match.  Not to mention, we have to get special permission from our club board to have matches without a sanctioning organization, basically insurance issues, etc. (Just another of many little items on this match director's plate.) 

And this for basically a non-essential, recreational activity?  When we're got people that have to work in essential jobs and exposure every day.   How is it going to look for my sport to be the one that creates another "hot spot" of infections, even if we followed all the guidelines.  

Let's get some perspective here on what's really important and take some time to watch out for people, even the one's that don't care to be watched out for.  (Funny how their opinions change when they get to the ICU according to my conversations.)

So, as you can see, I have put thought and time considering how to have matches, even local and non-sanctioned, and I still have a large number of issues, potentially legal and moral in nature that I have not been able to resolve yet. 

If anyone wants to step up and pick up the work and liabilities, for the same compensation I'm getting, please let me know.



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Cancelling matches?   Says who? - Page 2 Empty Re: Cancelling matches? Says who?

Post by dapduh2 5/3/2020, 5:06 pm

Might be an unpopular opinion, but I see no reason for all of this. Look at data on the actual CDC website and compare it to the mainstream media info. You’ll notice there’s many columns of data, most mainstream media is reporting deaths caused by COVID19, pneumonia, and seasonal flu combined. Not COVID deaths but a total of those 3 combined for the year. Actual COVID deaths are much lower. 

Also, the social distancing was initiated to prevent hospital systems from being overwhelmed. Yet even NYC hospitals on its worst days weren’t overwhelmed and the Navy hospital ship went mostly unused. So per the initial guidance, we flattened the “curve” and now should go about our normal routines correct? But that’s not how governments that want to control people act. Each governor systematically choosing what is essential and what isn’t, with many states choosing against gun rights and religious rights but allowing abortions while other surgeries such as ACL repairs are deemed non-essential. Stuff like that should tell you all you need to know. 

To make matters worse, legislation to help struggling hospitals by paying more compensation for COVID deaths and for each patient put on a ventilator should explain why cities went back and recategorized deaths to claim they were caused by COVID when there was no evidence to support it. 

Don’t let them take your freedoms for this bs people. If you’re elderly and have preexisting conditions I get it. But you should take sanitation seriously everyday, not just now because of covid.

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Cancelling matches?   Says who? - Page 2 Empty Re: Cancelling matches? Says who?

Post by james r chapman 5/3/2020, 5:57 pm

I guess your data is different than what I'm seeing.
james r chapman
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Cancelling matches?   Says who? - Page 2 Empty Re: Cancelling matches? Says who?

Post by dronning 5/3/2020, 6:48 pm

Worst case scenario someone catches covid at a match and dies.  Then the anti gun media picks up the story and blows it way out of proportion blames one of the favorite foes the NRA.  At least the NRA can say they pulled all match sanctions.  So then the media goes after the "reckless" gun owners and clubs which then tips the scales for your states anti gun legislation.  This would never happen - really??  You know the outcome would not be good.  Given this I believe we should be more cautious - JMHO.
- Dave

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Cancelling matches?   Says who? - Page 2 Empty Re: Cancelling matches? Says who?

Post by PhotoEscape 5/3/2020, 7:26 pm

So, it is interesting to see the 180 degrees twists of this tread.  From Bruce questioning validity and rights of NRA making certain decisions (and, I might be reading too much between lines here, - validity of NRA as an organization!) to strong approval of NRA decisions in question.  Taking this to account, and especially commentary on my local WBBM radio station I heard while driving home from range, - synopsis: due to the virus NRA canceled convention and many events that would otherwise raise funds for the organization, laid off and furlough employees, enacted pay cut across the board including CEO (title is how it was stated on radio station!) Wayne LaPierre, - I decided that help is indeed needed and warranted.  Especially taking to account, that unlike National Public Radio, or Kennedy Center or several others, NRA was not included in multi-million dollar hand out written into the package, that otherwise supposed to help working people and small businesses.  So..........

Thank you for your generous contribution as we fight not only for the survival of the NRA, but also for our sacred firearm rights.
NRA has been hit with a perfect storm of financial disasters that none of us could have known about. But if you and I and our fellow NRA members all pull together, I know in my heart we can survive this crisis – and preserve the Second Amendment for future generations.
I've never been more grateful for your NRA leadership and financial support.
I wish you and your loved ones the blessings of health and safety during this tough time.

Cancelling matches?   Says who? - Page 2 Wayne
Wayne LaPierre
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Cancelling matches?   Says who? - Page 2 Empty Re: Cancelling matches? Says who?

Post by bruce martindale 5/3/2020, 7:46 pm

done here.

bruce martindale

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