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Lee Auto Drum Operation

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Lee Auto Drum Operation Empty Lee Auto Drum Operation

Post by Hammbone 5/6/2020, 10:53 am

Does anyone have a Lee Auto Drum and struggle with it?
I bought one for my Lee Classic 4-Hole Turret press when they first came out. I was SO excited to be able to infinitely tune the charge weight. But I was quickly discouraged. I did nothing but struggle with it. Back to the box it went and I shoved it under the bench.
Well, I got it back out recently and played with it some more. I discovered a lot about it. I even developed a system to setting it up for a given charge weight and it works awesome! No need to buy 14+ different drums for every single charge weight  you may want to ever load. Just one drum, mark it with a paint pen, calibrate it, develop a simple equation, and it works great.

Would anyone be interested in me doing a write-up on how this works?


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Lee Auto Drum Operation Empty Re: Lee Auto Drum Operation

Post by jwax 5/29/2020, 5:42 pm

I use the Auto Drum, but can't say I struggle with it. Set for 2.8g of WST, and away I go loading 148g HBWC 38 SPL.
Curious as to what you came up with though!

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Lee Auto Drum Operation Empty Re: Lee Auto Drum Operation

Post by Guest 5/29/2020, 5:45 pm

My experience was that they leak like a sieve, but maybe that's just my ham-fisted-ness!


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Lee Auto Drum Operation Empty Re: Lee Auto Drum Operation

Post by jwax 5/29/2020, 5:51 pm

Yep- had to tighten her considerably along with a graphite rubdown!

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Location : Western ny

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Lee Auto Drum Operation Empty Re: Lee Auto Drum Operation

Post by Hammbone 5/29/2020, 7:27 pm

Ok. I'll work in a write up.
Yes, I smoothed and lubed it real well with graphite too. But my more "R&D" was I coming up with a way to count turns and use the Lee VMD number to dictate the number of turns.


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Join date : 2016-06-10

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Lee Auto Drum Operation Empty Re: Lee Auto Drum Operation

Post by CFPlinker 6/2/2020, 2:06 pm

When I got mine I just had to play with it. The first thing I did was to paint every other flat on the key white so I could see them easier. Then I set it for the minimum charge, threw 10, and weighed them. Open up the cavity one full turn and repeat. Again and again. I found that with my can of 231 powder one full turn increased each charge by 1.0 grains. Or 0.1 grains per flat. I hang a tag on it when I finish showing the charge it is set for. If I need a different charge the next time I know which direction to go and about how many flats to turn the key. Then all I have to do is fine tune a little bit. 

What all have the rest of you done with yours?


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Join date : 2012-05-10

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Lee Auto Drum Operation Empty Re: Lee Auto Drum Operation

Post by Laminarman 6/4/2020, 8:00 pm

I got one a few months ago.  After some trial and error, and throwing 20 charges, I'll be darned if that thing isn't about the most accurate, consistent powder thrower I've used.  I measured ~20 out of 100 charges, they were all (ALL) spot on with WST. Yes, she leaks, but so do air cooled Porsche 911's and nobody can argue they get the job done.


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