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Safety on right-side of P210A Target?

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Safety on right-side of P210A Target? Empty Safety on right-side of P210A Target?

Post by Mac2 5/12/2020, 11:28 pm

Top bullseye competitor received a SIG P210A Target.  Tight, trigger is excellent, points, fits hand - makes one think of a Dan Wesson.
Competitor is left-handed and wishes that the safety be on the right-hand side of the P210A.  Looks as if far end of the pin-part of the safety is visible on the right, but covered by wood.   Who has managed to have safety on the right and how did they do it?   Mac


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Safety on right-side of P210A Target? Empty Re: Safety on right-side of P210A Target?

Post by REConley 5/13/2020, 6:56 am

I asked Sig Sauer customer service if a left hand safety could be done by custom shop. Answer was no. Since then Sig has been designing a P210 short carry pistol and it just might have ambi capabilities. I have not revisited the issue with Sig.

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Safety on right-side of P210A Target? Empty Re: Safety on right-side of P210A Target?

Post by zanemoseley 5/13/2020, 9:09 am

Why does a "top bullseye competitor" even want a safety? Bullseye shooters essentially never use the mechanical safeties.


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Safety on right-side of P210A Target? Empty Re: Safety on right-side of P210A Target?

Post by LenV 5/13/2020, 9:25 am

zanemoseley wrote:Why does a "top bullseye competitor" even want a safety? Bullseye shooters essentially never use the mechanical safeties.
+1 Never put your safety on. You will forget to take it off.

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Safety on right-side of P210A Target? Empty Re: Safety on right-side of P210A Target?

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