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What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness.

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What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness. Empty What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness.

Post by smsnyder 5/18/2020, 8:36 pm

What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent dampness from getting to the firearm? Thanks


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What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness. Empty Re: What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness.

Post by zanemoseley 5/18/2020, 9:23 pm

I wipe down with Barricade frequently but I've heard it's bad to keep your firearms stored in foam cases long term.


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What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness. Empty Re: What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness.

Post by CrankyThunder 5/19/2020, 7:08 am

I cannot say that I have had any problems with rust, I use and CLP my bullseye pistols frequently.  I do throw a cloths dryer sheet in there to keep it fresh though and that really helps with the mustiness.  Every time I use it when it is wet out I store it open and empty so it can dry out.

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What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness. Empty Re: What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness.

Post by javaduke 5/19/2020, 7:15 am

Humidity in AZ is not much of a problem, but anyway I keep all my guns in Gunsocks. 5-pack on Amazon is about $30, no big deal.


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What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness. Empty Re: What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness.

Post by Vociferous 5/19/2020, 7:17 am

Never had this problem. Like Cranky says, if it gets wet, dry it out. If you're storing it in a humid place, well, it will be hard to keep dry. And I don't store my firearms in the box; I don't even transport them in the box, but that's just me.

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What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness. Empty Re: What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness.

Post by mspingeld 5/19/2020, 9:48 am

I believe, for extended storage, a light coating of oil will help preserve the finish and inhibit rust. Of course, then a cleaning will be necessary before shooting.


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What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness. Empty Re: What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness.

Post by r.tornello 5/19/2020, 10:48 am

Don't most owners manuals recommend oiling their weapons that are stored with a time table, for example every 2 months.

s far as the case goes leave it open and let it breathe. I also add the packaged driers I get in other products. You can purchase them on line too.

my 2 cents, RT

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What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness. Empty Re: What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness.

Post by PacFltShooter 5/29/2020, 2:41 pm

When I was in the Navy, we would have to preserve the aircraft engines from time to time.  This was done with 1 lb desicant bags.  (lots of them).  When the engines were put back into service, we would toss the bags, which were still good.  Many of us repurposed those used bags for other things like  your safe, gun box etc.  Worked great and I have never had a rust problem.

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What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness. Empty Re: What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness.

Post by NuJudge 5/29/2020, 4:32 pm

I am a big believer in defense in depth.  I like to have dehumidifiers where firearms are stored.  I have VCI rust inhibiting emitters where I store firearms.  I oil firearms up also.


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What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness. Empty Re: What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness.

Post by Lefty 5/29/2020, 6:37 pm

I've used dessicant pouches from other products for years and have never had a problem. Every so often if I get a new one from a prescription or nicotine lozenges (hard-core addict) I replace an old one without giving it a thought. Dallas can get humid in the spring and summer (and fall and winter...) and this system works fine.


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What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness. Empty Re: What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness.

Post by hg401 5/29/2020, 8:18 pm

PacFltShooter wrote:When I was in the Navy, we would have to preserve the aircraft engines from time to time.  This was done with 1 lb desicant bags.  (lots of them).  When the engines were put back into service, we would toss the bags, which were still good.  Many of us repurposed those used bags for other things like  your safe, gun box etc.  Worked great and I have never had a rust problem.

I have some of those (though they were about 1/2 lb) that were shipped with motorcycles coming over from Japan.


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What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness. Empty Re: What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness.

Post by Asa Yam 5/29/2020, 11:35 pm

PacFltShooter wrote:When I was in the Navy, we would have to preserve the aircraft engines from time to time...
Common practice for US Navy shooters.  Dessicant bags can be "reenergized" by heating them in an oven above 212 *F, 45 minutes to an hour is recommended for a soak time.

Asa Yam

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What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness. Empty Re: What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness.

Post by PacFltShooter 5/30/2020, 10:56 am

Asa Yam wrote:
PacFltShooter wrote:When I was in the Navy, we would have to preserve the aircraft engines from time to time...
Common practice for US Navy shooters.  Dessicant bags can be "reenergized" by heating them in an oven above 212 *F, 45 minutes to an hour is recommended for a soak time.
Exactly Asa.  Works as advertised.

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What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness. Empty Re: What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness.

Post by PacFltShooter 5/30/2020, 10:59 am

hg401 wrote:
PacFltShooter wrote:When I was in the Navy, we would have to preserve the aircraft engines from time to time.  This was done with 1 lb desicant bags.  (lots of them).  When the engines were put back into service, we would toss the bags, which were still good.  Many of us repurposed those used bags for other things like  your safe, gun box etc.  Worked great and I have never had a rust problem.

I have some of those (though they were about 1/2 lb) that were shipped with motorcycles coming over from Japan.
Could be 1/2, never weighed them.  The labeling on the bag indicated that it contains "16 units".  I assumed that meant one pound. Cool

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What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness. Empty Re: What due you guys use in your pistol case to prevent rust and dampness.

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