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Vitavori N310 question

Steve B
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Vitavori N310 question Empty Vitavori N310 question

Post by 10sandxs 5/19/2020, 7:00 pm

I've never used this powder due to its expense, but I can get some pretty cheap and was wondering if its any better than bullseye, wst, titegroup, etc. A big concern is temperature stability as i shoot up north, and it will go from -20 in the car in winter to 90 above in summer


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Vitavori N310 question Empty Re: Vitavori N310 question

Post by valbern67 5/19/2020, 7:08 pm

I have only used VV N310, and I've been told that it burns cleaner than the other powders.

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Vitavori N310 question Empty Re: Vitavori N310 question

Post by Steve B 5/19/2020, 7:33 pm

10sandxs wrote:I've never used this powder due to its expense, but I can get some pretty cheap and was wondering if its any better than  bullseye, wst, titegroup, etc.  A big concern is temperature stability as i shoot up north, and it will go from -20 in the car in winter to 90 above in summer

That's all I burn in my bullseye loads, 185gr. Zero JHP and SWCHP.  Meters great, clean... using Winchester LPP will help with consistency over that temperature range.  BTW, -20F?  Can you feel the trigger in those temps?  LOL.
Initially it's expensive but only pennies for each round.

Steve B

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Vitavori N310 question Empty Re: Vitavori N310 question

Post by PhotoEscape 5/19/2020, 8:28 pm

If you are fine with BullsEye, you should be fine with N310, - it is less temperature sensitive then BE.  Overall I'm using this powder more and more with 185gr JHP by Nosler, Remington Golden Sabre, Zero, and 160gr coated SWC by Brazos.   


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Vitavori N310 question Empty Re: Vitavori N310 question

Post by oldsalt444 5/19/2020, 8:30 pm

I'm a fan of N310.  My go to powder for jacketed bullets.  If you can get a good deal, go for it.  At -20 degrees, any powder will suffer a performance loss.  

The old 45 ACP Marine Corps load of 4.1-4.3 gr N310 and a 185 JHP (Nosler, Zero, Magnus) is tough to beat.  I went distinguished with that load.


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Vitavori N310 question Empty Re: Vitavori N310 question

Post by Vociferous 5/20/2020, 6:57 am

I could be wrong, but I thought N310 was more temperature sensitive than Bullseye. I've seen it first hand.

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Vitavori N310 question Empty Re: Vitavori N310 question

Post by CR10X 5/20/2020, 7:08 am

VV310 can be a little sensitive, in particular with low charge weights and with some primers.  WW Large Pistol Primers (which are for standard and mag loads) cured my low temperature issues.  Learned that from experience.


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Vitavori N310 question Empty Re: Vitavori N310 question

Post by apipeguy 5/20/2020, 8:05 am

All I use for my .45 loads. Meters better than any powder I have ever tried. May be a little more expensive but you use less powder per round than other powders and that takes the price per round down quite a bit. I switched a few years ago and have no intentions of switching again.

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Vitavori N310 question Empty Re: Vitavori N310 question

Post by Soupy44 5/20/2020, 12:09 pm

I started with BE and jacketed ammo and then tried 310 for my wad loads.  World of difference in how clean it burns.  When I get aroud to loading more jacketed ammo, I'll be using 310 instead of BE.

I might have also been motivated to try it since Cecil's pet load uses it!


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Vitavori N310 question Empty Re: Vitavori N310 question

Post by mpolans 5/20/2020, 9:22 pm

IIRC, clean and very consistent.


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Vitavori N310 question Empty n310 question

Post by lakemurrayman 5/20/2020, 10:53 pm

I,ve tested all the powders listed.N310 and WST are neck and neck.I shoot n310 at 50 and WST at 25.


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