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Bullseye in Las Vegas, Nevada

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Bullseye in Las Vegas, Nevada Empty Bullseye in Las Vegas, Nevada

Post by spursnguns 5/21/2020, 10:07 am

Greetings all,

There are plenty of places in Las Vegas, Nevada to shoot full-autos or to blow things up; does anyone know of any ranges that are more suited for practicing our sport.  Preferably, something outdoors and moderately quiet (no explosions, mag dumping, etcetera)?

Does anyone hold matches there?



Posts : 614
Join date : 2013-01-04
Age : 66
Location : Nampa, Idaho

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Bullseye in Las Vegas, Nevada Empty Re: Bullseye in Las Vegas, Nevada

Post by flyer898 5/22/2020, 11:24 pm

I recently retired and escaped from California. I shot Bullseye in Northern California and Southern Oregon in the 80s. I am interested in getting back into the sport. I am a member at DSRPC, and while they do not have matches in our discipline, I think the range is suitable for practice.. Let us shoot together.


Posts : 164
Join date : 2019-01-12
Location : Las Vegas, NV

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Bullseye in Las Vegas, Nevada Empty Re: Bullseye in Las Vegas, Nevada

Post by spursnguns 5/24/2020, 10:39 pm

Hello flyer898,

We're helping our one and only move to Las Vegas (new job a U.N.L.V.) and will have some free time while we are there.  I was beginning to think I would have to spend all of my my free time drinking, eating and shooting machine guns.  The horror.  If it all comes together, I will send you a PM.  



Posts : 614
Join date : 2013-01-04
Age : 66
Location : Nampa, Idaho

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Bullseye in Las Vegas, Nevada Empty Re: Bullseye in Las Vegas, Nevada

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