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Extremely bulged .45 ACP case

Bill Treanor
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Extremely bulged .45 ACP case Empty Extremely bulged .45 ACP case

Post by Bill Treanor Thu May 21, 2020 2:59 pm

I obtained a bunch of once-fired military WCC brass that had been reloaded with 230 FMJ and then shot at a National Guard range. Almost all of this brass was in great condition. However, among this brass was the single piece shown below with the extremely bulged base. This bulge extends all around the diameter of the case. My guess is that this is due to excessive pressure. It's worth noting that these bullets had a sealant which I've heard can cause this. Someone suggested that this might be due to an out-of-battery firing, but I've been told that the 1911 is incapable of firing out of battery. I would be interested in hearing opinions from anyone who has seen or experienced something similar. Thanks.

Extremely bulged .45 ACP case Bulged-case

Bill Treanor

Posts : 165
Join date : 2011-06-16
Location : Nashville, TN

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Extremely bulged .45 ACP case Empty Re: Extremely bulged .45 ACP case

Post by zanemoseley Thu May 21, 2020 3:40 pm

If its all the way around the case it almost has to be an OOB firing. Perhaps the disconnector wasn't working properly. If it was fired in battery I think the brass would just flow into the throated area of the barrel chamber, the hood would prevent brass flowing upward. I'm surprised it didn't split.


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Extremely bulged .45 ACP case Empty Re: Extremely bulged .45 ACP case

Post by REConley Thu May 21, 2020 5:26 pm

Agree about it being OOB. I had a 45 ACP round overload from a commercial re loader and it broke the case open along the feeding throat but the balance of the case was normal.

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Extremely bulged .45 ACP case Empty Re: Extremely bulged .45 ACP case

Post by rreid Thu May 21, 2020 9:31 pm

Maybe fired from a SMG rather than 1911

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Extremely bulged .45 ACP case Empty Re: Extremely bulged .45 ACP case

Post by JKR Fri May 22, 2020 7:46 am

rreid wrote:Maybe fired from a SMG rather than 1911
That was my first thought as well.


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Extremely bulged .45 ACP case Empty Re: Extremely bulged .45 ACP case

Post by Slamfire Tue Jun 23, 2020 8:49 pm

The usual overpressure 45 ACP cases look like this:

Extremely bulged .45 ACP case AyF5ybM

Extremely bulged .45 ACP case OJtRhId

Extremely bulged .45 ACP case HEP0oHT

Extremely bulged .45 ACP case RFAV9pG

The bulge is not 360 degrees circumferential due to the case head support, the unsupported side of the case bulges.  I have not seen cases fired from all weapons, but the case from the National Guard range does not look like something fired from a 1911.


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Extremely bulged .45 ACP case Empty Re: Extremely bulged .45 ACP case

Post by Allen Barnett Wed Jun 24, 2020 6:38 pm

I would almost bet that it was from a "Grease Gun".  The National Guard still has those things in their inventory or at least they did before I retired.

Allen Barnett

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