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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

James Hensler
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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by James Hensler Thu May 21, 2020 4:01 pm

I will try to explain

I talked to a member of the family and they are willing to do a production run of the discontinued 32 ACP 60 grain XTP projectiles that our Pardini’s just love. With Covid 19 they won’t let me place an order until the end of the year and that works perfectly so we who need to can save up the money have time. As far as price goes I am not involved with that. They asked me to go through one of their wholesale distributors. I am not getting any kickbacks of any type. I just need the bullets. I would say the price will be the same as back when they were making them. Around 170 per 1k. I am hoping it’s less but that’s probably what it will be. So the order has to be 100k each time so I am in for 10k and I think Joe is good for 10k also. I am contacting Alex to see how many he wants. For this to work I am asking that if you want some 5k is the minimum amount. If you come up with a better away I am totally open. The money doesn’t come my way until I place the order so you have time. I just ask for the commitment. And just so we are all on the same thing I have to pay for it at the time of order so if you commit and don’t pay up you are screwing the others over. I want this to be a great thing for all the Pardini shooters and I know we can do this

Last edited by James Hensler on Fri May 22, 2020 7:25 am; edited 1 time in total
James Hensler
James Hensler

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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by orpheoet Thu May 21, 2020 5:43 pm

I'd take 5k

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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by James Hensler Thu May 21, 2020 5:53 pm

Thanks Dave 
Please pm me your contact information
James Hensler
James Hensler

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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by Wobbley Thu May 21, 2020 8:05 pm

Ask for them to be boxed in 1000 or 500 per box. Keeps the packaging to a minimum. Or 5000 in sealed 6 mil poly bags in a “case”.

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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by James Hensler Thu May 21, 2020 8:28 pm

Will due! Not to pay shipping 2 times I am hoping the distributor will ship them out to everyone
James Hensler
James Hensler

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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by Guest Thu May 21, 2020 9:39 pm

+1 Wobbley. 5k sealed "case" sounds like the best deal. I'm in for a case of 5k.

Well done Jim. Hope that you can screw down the price with Hornady and/or the wholesaler to give us dealer level pricing (that surely is significantly less than $17/100).

If the wholesaler is reasonably well organised they could turn this around at minimal cost, charge us a sensible mark-up so that it is worth his while and we get the bullets way cheaper than other options.

Bulk 5K in plastic almost certainly fits in a USPS Large flat rate box (double the box and double wrap it in strong tape) making shipping cost very low indeed. That is how Brazos, Zero and others are successfully getting us bullets fast and cheap these days.

Why not talk to Brazos and ask them if they would like to be our "Wholesaler".


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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by Wobbley Thu May 21, 2020 10:04 pm

Probably has to be an established Hornady distributor. Mid south Shooting Supply has done this stuff before.

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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by James Hensler Fri May 22, 2020 6:09 am

So far 35k
James Hensler
James Hensler

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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by bpettet Tue Jul 14, 2020 11:33 pm

I would take 5k...possibly more if the price drops.


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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by James Hensler Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:41 pm

Hornady said to recontact them in January! 
Alex from Pardini is trying to work out a deal as well. Pardini has the money to order more and 100k so they might shut us out due to exclusivity tag. I don’t know but if Pardini gets the whole deal than prepare to pay because their prices on everything else is pretty high
James Hensler
James Hensler

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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by James Hensler Wed Jul 15, 2020 2:41 pm

40k so far
James Hensler
James Hensler

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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by Wobbley Wed Jul 15, 2020 3:05 pm

Perhaps Fiocchi (or Atlanta Arms, or?) could be interested in making loaded ammo?

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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by James Hensler Wed Jul 15, 2020 5:46 pm

Wobbley I hear ya but I don’t think loaded ammo can come close to either of my loads in 60 grain and 85
James Hensler
James Hensler

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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by beeser Tue Jan 12, 2021 2:20 pm

Any update on the Hornady 60 gr. XTPs?


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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by Jack H Tue Jan 12, 2021 2:23 pm

I wonder if they would do the same for the 45 calibre 200gr JSWC

Here's why
After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again SW-45-AR-SFgroup

BTW, that was offhand.

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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by James Hensler Tue Jan 12, 2021 3:52 pm

We never came close to 100k 
Pardini is going to get it done but Hornady said they would not think about until right now. With the ammo problems we are seeing I think Pardini is still going to be put on the back burner
James Hensler
James Hensler

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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by beeser Tue Jan 12, 2021 4:09 pm

Why interest in the 60 gr. XTP over the 85 gr?


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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by James Hensler Tue Jan 12, 2021 5:57 pm

Well the 60’s shoot a little faster and a little flatter. They were all we really had and we found a load that was really good and without much recoil. I have adjusted to the 85’s and my score are now the same as before so for me I can shoot either
James Hensler
James Hensler

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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by beeser Wed Jan 13, 2021 7:49 am

James Hensler wrote:Well the 60’s shoot a little faster and a little flatter. They were all we really had and we found a load that was really good and without much recoil. I have adjusted to the 85’s and my score are now the same as before so for me I can shoot either
Makes sense.  I noticed in the thread that some are purchasing the XTPs in quantities greater than 100/box.  Where are these available in larger bulk?


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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

Post by James Hensler Wed Jan 13, 2021 2:14 pm

I use US Reloading ( Jim ) in Venice Florida
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James Hensler

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After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again Empty Re: After talking to Hornady 60 XTP can be made for us again

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