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19th century target shooting

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19th century target shooting Empty 19th century target shooting

Post by PacFltShooter 5/29/2020, 5:02 pm

I find myself interested in old school target shooting. Usong the pistols and cartridges of the day. While I know blackpowder was the propellant dejour, I would modernize and use smokless and reproduction arms.  One setup that intriques me is the S&W No. 3 chambered in  .44 Russain.  Is there a source for match rules of the period, techniques used or really any information concerning this?  I have read about the old target greats and their records that they set but not so much on the setup and rules of the day.  Anyone else interested in this?

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19th century target shooting Empty Re: 19th century target shooting

Post by WillH 5/30/2020, 1:00 pm

Not sure if this is barking up the right tree but maybe check out the NMLRA National Muzzleloading Rifle Association).  The NMLRA competitions/rules involve historical period firearms and reproductions but there's no use of smokeless, only black powder.  Mostly geared towards muzzle loading rifles, pistols, and muskets but also involves some black powder cartridge (I think) and cap and ball type revolvers.

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19th century target shooting Empty Re: 19th century target shooting

Post by CR10X 5/31/2020, 7:03 am

Here's an article for you to start with.  Can probably follow some of the references.  There are a few books and other reference material out there, but takes some time to track down.  I'd need to check out the books that are in storage to see what I might had collected. 




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19th century target shooting Empty Re: 19th century target shooting

Post by PacFltShooter 5/31/2020, 11:42 am

Thanks for the info guys. Just starting to look into this. The info seems to be out there just buried under decades of in attention.

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Age : 69
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19th century target shooting Empty Re: 19th century target shooting

Post by jwax 6/3/2020, 10:53 am

Amazed to find that Lewis and Clark used an air gun on their expedition! (1804-1806)

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