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Leupold Freedom RDS on sale

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Leupold Freedom RDS on sale Empty Leupold Freedom RDS on sale

Post by 10sandxs 6/5/2020, 10:37 am

No, I'm not a leupold sales rep, but If you're curious, they're on sale for $238.  These are clearance as there is a new model comming out, one that has threaded ends on the tube so you can attach threaded extensions.  The new model also has a black ring instead of gold one...

I've been pretty happy with mine, but your results may vary... thinking of putting one on my nelson so its the same as my wad gun



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Leupold Freedom RDS on sale Empty Re: Leupold Freedom RDS on sale

Post by PhotoEscape 6/5/2020, 9:06 pm

I suggest checking weight of this thing.  That might change your mind, as it changed mine.  It is a quite heavy sucker.  Otherwise it is a great dot for a rifle.  

That's IMHO.


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Location : Northern Illinois, USA

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Leupold Freedom RDS on sale Empty Re: Leupold Freedom RDS on sale

Post by zanemoseley 6/5/2020, 9:16 pm

Spend another $150 and get a Aimpoint 9000SC. Sportoptics is where I got a few.


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Location : Cookeville, TN

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