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As A Newbie,What do I do?

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As A Newbie,What do I do? Empty As A Newbie,What do I do?

Post by rkittine 6/7/2020, 6:44 am

I am not sure I even know all the different options for pistol competition. Is there a good list with definitions some where? What associations are there that should be joined?

Of my pistol inventory, I have the following that I would consider true target guns.

Sig Hammerli P240 - .32 S&W Long WC - With Holosum Red Dot 
Benelli MP3S - .32 S&W Long WC
Colt Gold Cups - 9mm
                        .38 Super
                        .45 ACP
Glock 34 Gen 5 - 9mm
S&W Model 52 - .38 WC
S&W Model 4506 - .45 Super

High Standard Victor - Vent Rib .22 LR, plus .22 Short Kit
S&W Model 41 7 3/8" with compensator
Century Arms TOZ-35M
Browning Buckmark Target - Bull Barrel .22 LR with Red Dot

For longer range pistol shooting:

Remington XP-100 in .221 Fireball
Thompson Contender - With the following barrels - .223, .22 Competition Bull, .221 Fireball, .22 Remington Jet

Assume that no one uses wheel guns any more? I do have a number of Target Grade Revolvers.

Thanks for sharing your thoughts.


Posts : 353
Join date : 2020-06-06
Age : 76
Location : Sag Harbor & Manhattan , New York

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As A Newbie,What do I do? Empty Re: As A Newbie,What do I do?

Post by CrankyThunder 6/7/2020, 7:50 am

HI Bob!

Holey Merde you got a nice collection there!  I am envious!

What I would do is find your local bullseye team that holds regularly scheduled matches.  Cannot say that I know of any in NYC but since I have sold a high quality target pistol to a shooter here on Bullseye L that lived in NYC, I know there are some.  At least he said there were.  

Anyways, find your local bullseye pistol team and crash their party.  Don't get me wrong, they will welcome you with open arms and insist you join in on the fun and probably buy your beer at the after match wrap up and the local watering hole.  

In the meantime, I would take one of your 22's, the one you like bestest, the SW model 52, the hammerli, and the gold cups and get a bunch of targets for the range you normally shoot at. American Target Company out of Denver is where I usually go but since I am buying for the whole team, that might not be your best option but go to their web site and you will find the slow fire targets and the timed and rapid fire targets for various distances.  The targets are sized appropriately for the distance you are shooting by the way.  

Anyways, grab some targets, slow fire, and Timed and Rapid, head to the range and have fun.  Once you get with your local bullseye team, you will have a better idea on how to practice and go from there.  

Please support your local bullseye shooting team, they need your help!

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Join date : 2012-03-03
Age : 65
Location : The ugly part of Hell, Michigan


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As A Newbie,What do I do? Empty Re: As A Newbie,What do I do?

Post by rkittine 6/7/2020, 9:18 am

Thanks for the input ....... I will for sure be joining the league at Southampton and will check at the range on 20th Street here in the city when it opens up.


Posts : 353
Join date : 2020-06-06
Age : 76
Location : Sag Harbor & Manhattan , New York

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