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Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back

james r chapman
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Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back Empty Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back

Post by mikemargolis 6/17/2020, 10:38 am

Who makes one? Carrying one thing rather than two is always good.


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Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back Empty Re: Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back

Post by SteveT 6/17/2020, 1:09 pm

I thought this was a standard feature since it's been present on almost all my staplers over the years, but after a quick search I only found this one Arrow stapler.


I always have a pocket knife with me also.

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Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back Empty Re: Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back

Post by james r chapman 6/17/2020, 1:12 pm

That would be nice!
$28 worth of JT21 staples!
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back Empty Re: Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back

Post by troystaten 6/17/2020, 2:18 pm

That's the one I have, works well I did not know about the puller on the back I will have to try that.  Great deal from HD


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Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back Empty Re: Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back

Post by SteveT 6/17/2020, 3:44 pm

it works fine on cardboard / cloroplast. I wouldn't trust it for pulling staples out of wood.

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Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back Empty Re: Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back

Post by Slartybartfast 7/1/2020, 3:39 pm

mikemargolis wrote:Carrying one thing rather than two is always good.

Anyone have a list of all the things that need to be carried down to the target line?
Anyone some up with a good bag/carrier/satchel that could serve rain and shine to bring all those things back and forth (or safely keep them all at the target line)?

- Stapler
- Staples
- Clipboard
- Pens
- Scoring overlay
- Repair centre

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Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back Empty Re: Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back

Post by SteveT 7/1/2020, 4:52 pm

You don't need anything fancy. Search for Clipboard Storage and dozens of options come up. Spare pens, pasters, overlay and a large bag (in case of rain) go inside. That's all you need.

Stapler can hook in a pocket or hardware stores have belt hooks it can hang on. I hold the target center between the stapler and clipboard with one hand and score with the other.

Extra staples are kept in my box. I put sharpie marks on the last 10 or so staples. When I see that it's time to add staples. You can always borrow a stapler if you run out.

I don't like leaving things down range. I can record 80-90% of my shots through the spotting scope to save time downrange. I wouldn't want to leave it there if it rains and we can't do it at Camp Perry, so why do things differently. Keep it simple.

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Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back Empty Re: Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back

Post by Aprilian 7/2/2020, 8:00 am

Stapler on belt
small masking tape roll on electrician tape holder attached to the clipboard (3m Freezer Tape is the best size) - or when I am shooting well, I just put lengths of tape on the side of the stapler
Microsoft Surface pen holder stapled to clipboard to hold pen cap when I take out the pen to score
scoring overlays are in their original manila envelope and taped to the clipboard under the score sheet
Pocket knife is used for puling staples on targets I want to keep

Like Steve, I mark the staples with sharpie to know when to reload.  The 2 gallon Zip loc bags are a good size to keep in your box for rain

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Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back Empty Re: Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back

Post by TAB 7/2/2020, 11:21 am

If you have a Stanley TR45, an almost twin to the Arrow stapler, there is an easy shop built mod to add the staple remover.  I used a piece of scrap and two pop rivets to attach it to the stapler.  It is not stiff enough to pull 1/4" staples from ply but works well pulling staples in corrugated plastic or cardboard backers.  The swaged end of the pop rivet does not interfere with the staples.

Staple gun with the little staple puller hanging off the back Img_3011


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