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1911 Barrel Fitting

So Cal X Ring
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1911 Barrel Fitting Empty 1911 Barrel Fitting

Post by So Cal X Ring 6/25/2020, 9:44 pm

For those of you that fit your own match barrels, when you have a barrel that will not fit through the bushing, which do reduce? I have an egw angle bore bushing and the kart barrel (muzzle end) is too large by about 0.008". Any thoughts?
Thanks in advance!

So Cal X Ring

Posts : 31
Join date : 2019-10-28

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1911 Barrel Fitting Empty Re: 1911 Barrel Fitting

Post by Dr.Don 6/25/2020, 9:52 pm

We generally bore or ream the bushing. Don’t take it off of the barrel.

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1911 Barrel Fitting Empty Re: 1911 Barrel Fitting

Post by Tripscape 6/25/2020, 11:30 pm

I don't know the finish on the barrel but if it's not blued or coated otberwise and if the finish is not super smooth I would first smooth out the barrel to reduce friction (ever so slightly), then do most fitting on the bushing. Generally you want to fit cheaper part to the more expensive part, in this case bushing to the barrel. Smooth the barrel, pumice it, then fit the bushing and pumice it. I know not a lot of folks do it this way, but pumicing with super fine grit will give you silk smooth finish that will reduce friction and still retain / attach oil.  It also attaches bluing better, kind of like sandblasting but not so coarse.


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1911 Barrel Fitting Empty Re: 1911 Barrel Fitting

Post by james r chapman 6/26/2020, 6:00 am

Are we talking bushing to barrel or bushing to frame???
james r chapman
james r chapman

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1911 Barrel Fitting Empty Re: 1911 Barrel Fitting

Post by jglenn21 6/26/2020, 7:06 am

Go by the golden rule..modify the cheaper part

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1911 Barrel Fitting Empty Re: 1911 Barrel Fitting

Post by David R 6/26/2020, 7:26 am

Alter the bushing, there may be a larger part at the end of the barrel so when it links down it does not bind.

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1911 Barrel Fitting Empty Re: 1911 Barrel Fitting

Post by jglenn21 6/26/2020, 7:43 am

The angle.bore EGWs, are designed to eliminate that bind. If i use an EGW after fitting i reduce the amount of engagement surface. I also have great results from Brandon Bunkers radial bushing

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1911 Barrel Fitting Empty Re: 1911 Barrel Fitting

Post by David R 6/26/2020, 10:17 am

EGW will custom cut you an angle bore bushing. I have used two. I ordered .001 over size and hand fit them.

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1911 Barrel Fitting Empty Re: 1911 Barrel Fitting

Post by So Cal X Ring 6/26/2020, 10:43 am

I appreciate all the replies.
I am starting to tinker with my 1911s....the amount of knowledge on this forum is awesome.

So Cal X Ring

Posts : 31
Join date : 2019-10-28

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1911 Barrel Fitting Empty Re: 1911 Barrel Fitting

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