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Green Dot for 45 acp hardball or 200 grain SWC?

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Green Dot for 45 acp hardball or 200 grain SWC? Empty Green Dot for 45 acp hardball or 200 grain SWC?

Post by buttstock 2/23/2013, 8:11 pm

With the tight supply of reloading components, I've come eye-to-eye with a partil jug of Green Dot powder on my reloading shelves thinking how it would perform for 45 acp loads. I know the answer is "try it, each gun is different." I understand that.

Does anyone ACTUALLY use Green Dot for 45 acp loading? If so, would you be willing to share your load and performance at 25/50 yards?

I'm thinking of three basic loads:

230 grain FMJ hardball loads for EIC match shooting, with MV 820ish fps.

230 grain RN cast bullet (practice for EIC, to stretch out my Zero bullet FMJ supply)

200 grain SWC cast (SAECO #69 flat base) for 2700 bullseye.

I have a few pounds of Bullseye , so I'm not running on empty. Just curious if anyone has had positive performance with Green Dot in the 45 acp for hardball/EIC match shooting, or 2700 competitive loads.



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Green Dot for 45 acp hardball or 200 grain SWC? Empty Re: Green Dot for 45 acp hardball or 200 grain SWC?

Post by davekp 2/24/2013, 7:22 am

I used it for a while as I had about 10 lbs left over from my skeet shooting days. 4.8 gr with a 200gr SWC. Worked fine.


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Green Dot for 45 acp hardball or 200 grain SWC? Empty Re: Green Dot for 45 acp hardball or 200 grain SWC?

Post by David B 3/5/2013, 1:52 am

I have used several pounds of it in 45. I have a friend who uses lots of it. Only complaint I might come up with is dirty...but I don't think that's really a concern. I am only a wannabe BE shooter, but if I remember correctly, my most accurate load with it, and likely my tightest groups ever was a pretty warm load, with (believe it or not) a 160gr 45 Colt. Round nose flat point. Sub 2" at 25, which is the best I can do.

David B

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Green Dot for 45 acp hardball or 200 grain SWC? Empty Re: Green Dot for 45 acp hardball or 200 grain SWC?

Post by oldsalt444 6/27/2013, 9:25 pm

Better late than never.  Like you, I had to dig into my old supply of shotgun powder.  I've had good results with Green Dot.  It's not very much slower burning than Red Dot.  I used 4.5 - 4.8gr. with 230 gr.
hardball, and it was plenty accurate.  I almost got some leg points with that load a couple weeks ago, but almost only counts in horse shoes, tiddly winks and hand grenades.  Operator headspace and timing.

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Green Dot for 45 acp hardball or 200 grain SWC? Empty Re: Green Dot for 45 acp hardball or 200 grain SWC?

Post by noylj 7/27/2013, 10:19 pm

Green Dot and PB are excellent powders for .45 Auto and .38 Special.

BulletWeightPowderWeightVelocityNotesPower FactorCOL
L-SWC200Green Dot3.9Target-Start0
L-SWC200Green Dot4.3805Target "max"1611.190
L-SWC200Green Dot4.3805Start/25 yd161
Lyman 452460 L-SWC200Green Dot4.5715Start1431.161
L-SWC195Green Dot4.5740Start144
swaged L-SWC200Green Dot4.6729Start/50 yd146
swaged L-SWC200Green Dot4.6722Start144
swaged L-SWC200Green Dot5.0786Max157
swaged L-SWC200Green Dot5.0833Max167
L-SWC200Green Dot5.0850Hardball load1701.160
Lyman 452630 L-SWC200Green Dot5.1727Start1451.235
Hdy L-SWC200Green Dot5.3858V. Acc.1721.225
Lyman 452460 L-SWC200Green Dot5.8895Max1791.161


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Green Dot for 45 acp hardball or 200 grain SWC? Empty Re: Green Dot for 45 acp hardball or 200 grain SWC?

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