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small primer .45 acp

john bickar
Greg Walloch
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small primer .45 acp Empty small primer .45 acp

Post by hwevers 7/9/2020, 4:34 pm

Just curious, as I've been away from the forums for quite a few years, but what is the reasoning behind using small primers in .45 acp cases?

I know the bench rest crowd found some potential differences in using a Russian case w/small primers, or, if not the actual case, the premise that there was an advantage. 

Again, just curious.

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small primer .45 acp Empty Re: small primer .45 acp

Post by jglenn21 7/9/2020, 6:12 pm

I'm sure some junior cost analyst figured out they could save .001 cents per round. A curse to mankind

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small primer .45 acp Empty Re: small primer .45 acp

Post by Greg Walloch 7/9/2020, 6:48 pm

A pox on the engineer who came up with the idea.  He should be flogged on a weekly basis, and then made to disassemble a Star reloader, set up for .45, with a small-primered .45 case jammed in it on an hourly basis.

Greg Walloch

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small primer .45 acp Empty Re: small primer .45 acp

Post by Guntrainer 7/9/2020, 7:11 pm

Oddly enough, I prefer the Fed case with SPP. I have a 5 gallon bucket of OF Fed brass. Most folks prefer the LPP stuff. I recently traded a bunch of brass at the rate of one LPP case for three SPP.

I only load match SWC ammo in a heavily massaged older Gold Cup. Fed brass loads without drama, and the gun does not care about primer size.


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small primer .45 acp Empty Re: small primer .45 acp

Post by john bickar 7/9/2020, 7:19 pm

Greg Walloch wrote:A pox on the engineer who came up with the idea.  He should be flogged on a weekly basis, and then made to disassemble a Star reloader, set up for .45, with a small-primered .45 case jammed in it on an hourly basis.

That's a little lenient, IMO.
john bickar
john bickar

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small primer .45 acp Empty Re: small primer .45 acp

Post by blindshooter 7/9/2020, 8:19 pm

The primer pocket swage on my 1050 has saved me several squished primers and possibly a magazine explosion.
I'm much more careful now, still don't sort but I look at the cases I pick up at the range.


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small primer .45 acp Empty Re: small primer .45 acp

Post by AHI 7/9/2020, 9:35 pm

lead free primers are currently only produced in small size.


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small primer .45 acp Empty Re: small primer .45 acp

Post by dronning 7/9/2020, 9:52 pm

AHI wrote:lead free primers are currently only produced in small size.
I think some local environmental regs caused some LE departments to request them.  They probably all converted to 9MM due to the increased cost.

I have about 1500 SPP 45ACP cases saved up in case there was another primer shortage. I don't think I'll run out of LPP this time but I'm ready if I do.

- Dave

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small primer .45 acp Empty Re: small primer .45 acp

Post by john bickar 7/9/2020, 11:11 pm

blindshooter wrote:The primer pocket swage on my 1050 has saved me several squished primers and possibly a magazine explosion.
I'm much more careful now, still don't sort but I look at the cases I pick up at the range.

Username checks out.
john bickar
john bickar

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small primer .45 acp Empty Re: small primer .45 acp

Post by Guest 7/9/2020, 11:18 pm

I tried clicking "like" twice. Does not have the desired effect, just cancels the original "like" vote. Grrr.

But, to rather badly para-phase the lyric; Tommy, the DD&B shooter, sure plays a mean bullseye!


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small primer .45 acp Empty Re: small primer .45 acp

Post by mpolans 7/10/2020, 1:47 am

I'd love to get a bunch of small primer .45.  .45acp is the only large pistol primer caliber I intend to load.  Everything else (9x19, .38 super, .38 special, etc) is small pistol primer.  I'd love to be able to convert to all small pistol so I wouldn't have to switch my primer tubes back and forth on my Dillon 550.


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small primer .45 acp Empty Re: small primer .45 acp

Post by MarkOue 7/10/2020, 6:03 am

In a low-pressure cartridge such as the .45 ACP?  Probably the reasons stated above.
In a high-pressure rifle cartridge such as the .308 used of PALMA, the rounds can be loaded to a little higher pressure without the primer pockets stretching out.


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