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Reworking WCC boxer primed brass for the Dillon?

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Reworking WCC boxer primed brass for the Dillon? Empty Reworking WCC boxer primed brass for the Dillon?

Post by inthebeech 2/26/2013, 6:49 am

I just picked up a bunch of this stuff and found out the hard way that the Dillon priming mechanism does not want to prime them (and why). This is my first exposure to boxer-primed brass and I got this stuff in a trade so I would like to find something that will rework the pockets so that they will run through the 550 smoothly. I've experimented with chamfering the outer rim but it did not improve things; neither did "hand positioning" the brass as the case was slowly lowered down on the priming arm. My ram prime toolng on my single stage will do it no sweat but I'd like to use the 550.

Does anyone have any suggestions for tooling / process for reworking this type of brass?



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Reworking WCC boxer primed brass for the Dillon? Empty Re: Reworking WCC boxer primed brass for the Dillon?

Post by Dave C. 2/26/2013, 8:32 am

The military primmers are crimped. You need to swage them to work smoothly.

This is a one time thing, once and done.

Dave C.
Dave C.
Dave C.

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Reworking WCC boxer primed brass for the Dillon? Empty Re: Reworking WCC boxer primed brass for the Dillon?

Post by DeweyHales 2/26/2013, 12:55 pm

The other option to swaging, is reaming. I ream. My drill with a primer pocket reamer chucked in it sits next to my press for cases where seating resistance is too high.

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Reworking WCC boxer primed brass for the Dillon? Empty Re: Reworking WCC boxer primed brass for the Dillon?

Post by noylj 3/2/2013, 7:52 pm

I have never had to swage or ream a primer pocket in any of my WCC cases; however, if you are having that problem, then it is a one time only operation.
I have used my chamfer tool to remove the crimp from other brass, though I do like the RCBS swager on a single-stage press.


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Reworking WCC boxer primed brass for the Dillon? Empty Re: Reworking WCC boxer primed brass for the Dillon?

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