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32 ACP loading press recommendation

James Hensler
Jon Eulette
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32 ACP loading press recommendation  - Page 3 Empty 32 ACP loading press recommendation

Post by HSM 7/28/2020, 4:07 pm

First topic message reminder :

Looking for recommendation for a press for 32 ACP for bullseye

Dillon dies not recommend the 750 due the small cartridge size 

the 550 is a manual indexer - would prefer an automatic one 

if only Dillon made dies for the SDB that I already have

thanks in advance for the feedback


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Join date : 2018-08-13

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32 ACP loading press recommendation  - Page 3 Empty Re: 32 ACP loading press recommendation

Post by rkittine 8/4/2020, 10:30 am

Yep - From Bruce. FedEx is scheduled to put it on my front porch tomorrow.


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32 ACP loading press recommendation  - Page 3 Empty Re: 32 ACP loading press recommendation

Post by bpettet 8/4/2020, 10:46 am

Awesome.  Mine is on the way also from a forum member.  Excited to get it going.


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32 ACP loading press recommendation  - Page 3 Empty Re: 32 ACP loading press recommendation

Post by Dipnet 8/15/2020, 10:54 am

I use a Dillon 550 for all my reloading (32 ACP, 35/357, 400 CorBon, 45 ACP, 5.56, & 308) and have loaded 32 S&W L and 10mm; it loads very accurate ammo. I recommend the micrometer powder bar kit and the tool head clamp kit. The former gives precise drops (very useful for 32 ACP) and the latter enables you to screw down the tool head to the 550 frame, which enhances OAL consistency (otherwise, a toolhead slides into the 550 frame and uses pins to hold it in place). The clamp kit eliminates the wee bit of slop associated with being able to change calibers by inserting different toolheads.

The powder bar kit is really impressive; with fine powders like bullseye, VV N310, or WST, it gives +or_ 0.02-gr precision (as determined with a quantitive scale). 

Yes, the cases are manually indexed, meaning you have to hand-turn the cases between die stations for each loading operation. The Star machine is a great choice too. Best, dipnet

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32 ACP loading press recommendation  - Page 3 Empty Re: 32 ACP loading press recommendation

Post by HSM 8/15/2020, 12:07 pm

Thanks, I selected the 550, will look at the clamp kit - makes sense


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Join date : 2018-08-13

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32 ACP loading press recommendation  - Page 3 Empty Re: 32 ACP loading press recommendation

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