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Zeroing red dot with collimator?

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Zeroing red dot with collimator? Empty Zeroing red dot with collimator?

Post by Cazmont 7/31/2020, 1:17 pm

Just acquired an ultra dot for my Clark longslide and need to zero it. I continue to not have access to a range:evil: but I can borrow a collimator. Haven't used one before...all three actually, and not seeing a search result am asking if anyone has had success zeroing a red dot on a pistol with a rifle scope collimator.

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Zeroing red dot with collimator? Empty Re: Zeroing red dot with collimator?

Post by Wobbley 7/31/2020, 1:27 pm

A collimator is only designed to get you close.  rifle bore sighters are designed for offsets of 1.5 inches...

A laser “bore sighter” may be a tad better, but these have a very short battery life (minutes, it seems)

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Zeroing red dot with collimator? Empty Re: Zeroing red dot with collimator?

Post by PMcfall 7/31/2020, 1:48 pm

I agree it will only MAYBE get you on target, high unlikely it will put the sights where you want them.  They do, however, serve a good purpose.  Once you actually get your pistol sighted in, make a note where your sights are on the bore scope for future reference if you happen to lose zero for whatever reason.

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Zeroing red dot with collimator? Empty Re: Zeroing red dot with collimator?

Post by JKR 7/31/2020, 4:38 pm

Never liked the idea of sticking that spud in the muzzle. In all my years as a rifle shooter I could bore sight my bolt guns by looking through the bore. Of course this won’t work for pistols but just get close to a big target and fire a shot. Then make a bold correction if it’s a long ways out.


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Zeroing red dot with collimator? Empty Re: Zeroing red dot with collimator?

Post by WesG 7/31/2020, 9:01 pm

If you don't have a range to shoot it at, why do you need to zero it?

Got a basement? A dirt road out to nowhere, and a sack of empty cans?


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Zeroing red dot with collimator? Empty Re: Zeroing red dot with collimator?

Post by Kp321 7/31/2020, 10:30 pm

I have had very good luck with a $30 laser bore sighter, the type that has a set of expandable plugs that fit the bore and hold the laser in line. I sight across the shop, put one dot on top the other and am on the paper when I get to the range. The optical collimators do not work well on pistols.


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Zeroing red dot with collimator? Empty Re: Zeroing red dot with collimator?

Post by Jwhelan939 7/31/2020, 10:52 pm

As others said, it may get you close. Everyone is a little different. My dad and I share guns regularly andhis sighted in is about 2 inches high and left of mine. A sighter will show you the guns perfect center, but our eyes are all a little different.


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Zeroing red dot with collimator? Empty Re: Zeroing red dot with collimator?

Post by BE Mike 8/1/2020, 9:23 am

I've used collimators on mostly rifles, but some pistols, after mounting scopes. The collimator always got me very close, if not exactly right on. Give it a try. What do you have to lose? That being said, I wouldn't go to a match without verifying my sight setting by shooting.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Zeroing red dot with collimator? Empty Re: Zeroing red dot with collimator?

Post by Outthere 8/2/2020, 5:19 am

WesG wrote:If you don't have a range to shoot it at, why do you need to zero it?

Got a basement? A dirt road out to nowhere, and a sack of empty cans?
The dirt road and the sack of empty cans sounds like my basement.   Smile

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Zeroing red dot with collimator? Empty Re: Zeroing red dot with collimator?

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