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1911 Slide and Frame

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1911 Slide and Frame Empty 1911 Slide and Frame

Post by ASchlem 8/3/2020, 6:56 pm

Does anyone have experience with JEM frames? I like there extended government style. Its looks close to the STI Master series frame that MCP used.


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1911 Slide and Frame Empty Re: 1911 Slide and Frame

Post by Jon Eulette 8/3/2020, 7:29 pm

They are excellent. Has some cnc marks that take a little extra cleanup before bluing.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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1911 Slide and Frame Empty Re: 1911 Slide and Frame

Post by Guest 8/3/2020, 7:59 pm

ASchlem, please be aware that if the "long shroud" frame that you are interested in is the same as those used on the STI Range Master 1911's that were in the market a few years ago they do not comply with CMP Rules for Service Pistols. Like this one:-
1911 Slide and Frame Sti_rm11
I know because before I got into Bullseye I had a pair of these in 38 Super and 45ACP - excellent "out of the box" guns, very accurate and heavy enough to tame the recoil of hard ball loads.

I knew that the Bull barrels they are fitted with were not acceptable (there are gunsmith solutions to that issue), but I got this formal response from the CMP:-

"This was pistol was reviewed by the rules committee…
 It does have a bull barrel which is against rule  4.1.1 d)    
Also rule 4.1.3 states US Government or commercial version of the same type. The long, heavy dust cover and the heavy slide are not found on the 1911 or 1911A! and are not mentioned in the allowed modifications in  rules 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 so I would say no for those reasons as well.
 Michelle Woods
Thanks for your continued support of the CMP.
Customer Service/Program Support"

So I decided to sell them on - to Forum Members I think - they got bargains!

Of course the long shroud would be fine in a wad gun for NRA Rules.


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1911 Slide and Frame Empty Re: 1911 Slide and Frame

Post by Dcforman 8/3/2020, 8:01 pm


Out of curiosity, what's "heavy" about the slide? Looks normal to me...



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1911 Slide and Frame Empty Re: 1911 Slide and Frame

Post by ASchlem 8/3/2020, 8:02 pm

Thanks for the responses.


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Join date : 2014-03-13
Location : IL

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1911 Slide and Frame Empty Re: 1911 Slide and Frame

Post by Guest 8/3/2020, 8:10 pm

Dave, slide was not the problem, the extended square shaped shroud was the issue (as well as the bull barrel).


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1911 Slide and Frame Empty Re: 1911 Slide and Frame

Post by Dcforman 8/3/2020, 8:22 pm

Ah. Ok, just thought she was saying there were problems with the dust cover and slide:

"and the heavy slide are not found on the 1911 or 1911A!"



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1911 Slide and Frame Empty Re: 1911 Slide and Frame

Post by Tripscape 8/3/2020, 9:27 pm

I assume by heavy slide they may mean not scalloped?


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1911 Slide and Frame Empty Re: 1911 Slide and Frame

Post by Steve in Allentown 8/3/2020, 9:38 pm

ASchlem wrote:Does anyone have experience with JEM frames? I like there extended government style. Its looks close to the STI Master series frame that MCP used.
I used two JEM frames to build the two pistols below.  The longslide has the extended Govt frame which I modified a bit to soften the square look.  The frame is slightly wider than a standard frame.  If you look very carefully at the rear of the frame you can see a sunken semi-circular area where the three pins are located.  The sunken area is standard frame thickness.  The rest of the frame is wider and that extra width is noticeable as I grip the pistol.

1911 Slide and Frame SECeTfJ
Steve in Allentown
Steve in Allentown

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1911 Slide and Frame Empty Re: 1911 Slide and Frame

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