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Low cost scope stand

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Low cost scope stand Empty Low cost scope stand

Post by Sa-tevp Thu Aug 20, 2020 8:21 pm

I saw a really tall shooter from way upstate New York use something like this and thought he had a clever idea. I like it for quick runs to a nearby indoor range for practice where I bring this scope/stand and one pistol in a range bag. I can quickly clamp it to the bench and it works well. Since it just gets tossed in the car a larger scope isn't a problem and helps with indoor lighting.

A hardware store bolt and washer is needed, and if the height doesn't work I can drill a few more holes in it. So far it works at the local range with the bench height.

Low cost scope stand 20200810

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Low cost scope stand Empty Thank you Sa-Tevp

Post by CrankyThunder Fri Aug 21, 2020 3:26 am

That is a good Idea.  Going to go to the local home improvement store and check those out.

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Low cost scope stand Empty Re: Low cost scope stand

Post by sbtzc Fri Aug 21, 2020 11:18 am

Get a car wndow scope mount. That way, the height can vary without drilling holes.

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Low cost scope stand Empty Re: Low cost scope stand

Post by Sa-tevp Fri Aug 21, 2020 12:17 pm

sbtzc wrote:Get a car wndow scope mount. That way, the height can vary without drilling holes.

I like the holes, as I have a large supply of them on hand and I have no feelings for the clamp.  Wink  Also, once you get the scope lined up this setup will tolerated being bumped a few times without moving off the target.

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Low cost scope stand Empty Re: Low cost scope stand

Post by JKR Fri Aug 21, 2020 12:42 pm

Best idea I’ve seen in quite a while! Think I’ll make one too.


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Low cost scope stand Empty Re: Low cost scope stand

Post by STEVE SAMELAK Fri Aug 21, 2020 12:48 pm

It takes up a little more room but I used a 1/2" pony/pipe clamp (used aluminum pipe to save weight).
I had a tendency to bump the bar clamp and cause it to vibrate too much.

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