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Cases flipping - Dillon XL 650.

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Cases flipping - Dillon XL 650. Empty Cases flipping - Dillon XL 650.

Post by Gimiston 8/22/2020, 1:46 am

The Dillon inserts a new primer into the case OK but the case is then flipped from the shell plate's socket, can't continue process at station 2.

I'm wondering if the primer punch is lifting too far upwards, there appears limited, if any adjustment of the Seater Assembly. 

The Shellplate is secure, the Locator Tab has correct clearance. Anyone have any clues please?

Winchester brass,  9mm, Federal small primers.


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Join date : 2020-08-22
Location : Australian Capital Territory

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Cases flipping - Dillon XL 650. Empty Re: Cases flipping - Dillon XL 650.

Post by CR10X 8/22/2020, 6:42 am

I don't see how the case can escape by being pushed upwards on station 2 unless you have an incorrect shellplate is installed? Check the number or try out another 9mm plate? 

If its being pushed outward and comes out,  check the return / ratchet bar on the primer assembly.  That is what keeps the case inside the shellplate laterally.


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Cases flipping - Dillon XL 650. Empty Re: Cases flipping - Dillon XL 650.

Post by Gimiston 8/22/2020, 7:23 am

Tks for the response. The unit has so far done four years service and satisfactorily loaded several thousand 9, 38 Sp and 357 Mag. The case is pushed upwards and to one side when the primer is seated. The primer seats flush. This set of cases are brand new fired out of the box and receiving their first reload, I'm wondering if the case rim is a tad undersize. 

I slide the case back into the plate, operate the lever for belling and powder, then continue on to finish the reload. Reloaded rounds cycle through the STI OK.


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Join date : 2020-08-22
Location : Australian Capital Territory

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Cases flipping - Dillon XL 650. Empty Re: Cases flipping - Dillon XL 650.

Post by CR10X 8/22/2020, 7:58 am

OK, if it is a 9mm shellplate  (#5 for 9mm and #2 for .38 / .357) and the primer wheel arm is indexing properly and seated against the case, then about the only thing left is to check the case rim diameter of those cases.  If the 9mm ammo is GECO, etc., then the rims may be undersize either in diameter or possibly thickness. 

Let me know what you find out. 



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Cases flipping - Dillon XL 650. Empty Re: Cases flipping - Dillon XL 650.

Post by PhotoEscape 8/22/2020, 8:00 am

First and most obvious question would be if you checked that you have proper shell plate.  For 9mm case shell plate should have digit 5 stamped on it, and not to be confused with one that is stamped with digit 2.  Latter is for 38 Special / 357 Magnum.  If you indeed use one with 2, that would be the reason.


P.S. I had topic opened and didn't see prior posts.  Sorry for the repetition.  AP

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Cases flipping - Dillon XL 650. Empty Re: Cases flipping - Dillon XL 650.

Post by Gimiston 8/22/2020, 5:17 pm

Uh, guess what. I forgot to change over the shell plate. Tks Photo, appreciate the wake-up. Now going to sit in the corner and do a Homer. D'oh!


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Join date : 2020-08-22
Location : Australian Capital Territory

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Cases flipping - Dillon XL 650. Empty Re: Cases flipping - Dillon XL 650.

Post by BE Mike 8/23/2020, 1:57 pm

Gimiston wrote:Uh, guess what. I forgot to change over the shell plate. Tks Photo, appreciate the wake-up. Now going to sit in the corner and do a Homer. D'oh!
These sort of things happen to all of us now and then. I'm glad that the solution is a simple one.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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