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32ACP at the long line

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32ACP at the long line Empty 32ACP at the long line

Post by Schaumannk Sat 22 Aug - 9:26

I have been searching the posts here for more information about 32 ACP.  Think I am set on bullets and reloading, but am curious about the ballistic characteristics.  Is it fine in the wind?  Am I likely to need a sight adjustment between the long line and the short line or does it have a pretty flat trajectory like .22 and 9mm?

Thanks for any observations. Best,  Kate


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32ACP at the long line Empty Re: 32ACP at the long line

Post by Dr.Don Sat 22 Aug - 10:10

I'm shooting the 85 XTP over 1.6gr N310, which is Jim Hensler's load if memory serves.  I have about 5 clicks of elevation on a Matchdot 2 between 25 and 50 yds.  No noticeable wind effects, other than blowing my arm around.

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Location : Cedar Park, TX

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