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SS pins Wet Tumbling and nickle plated cases

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SS pins Wet Tumbling and nickle plated cases Empty SS pins Wet Tumbling and nickle plated cases

Post by leeshall 8/22/2020, 8:44 pm

I've been using SS pin wet tumbling for a few years now and love it. Here's a hint - use an automotive wash/wax for the final rinse and pistol cases go through the carbide sizer easier and resist tarnishing longer. But anyway, what about nickle plated cases? Everything I've done so far has had the nickle cases picked out. Is there a problem mixing nickle plated cases in with the brass cases? What about a load of only nickle plated cases?


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SS pins Wet Tumbling and nickle plated cases Empty Re: SS pins Wet Tumbling and nickle plated cases

Post by Wobbley 8/22/2020, 10:17 pm

leeshall wrote:I've been using SS pin wet tumbling for a few years now and love it. Here's a hint - use an automotive wash/wax for the final rinse and pistol cases go through the carbide sizer easier and resist tarnishing longer. But anyway, what about nickle plated cases? Everything I've done so far has had the nickle cases picked out. Is there a problem mixing nickle plated cases in with the brass cases? What about a load of only nickle plated cases?
I’ve tumbled mixed nickel/brass cases with no issues. I don’t use pins and I tumble the brass with the primers still in them.

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SS pins Wet Tumbling and nickle plated cases Empty Re: SS pins Wet Tumbling and nickle plated cases

Post by bpettet 8/22/2020, 11:08 pm

I also mix brass and nickel cases with no issues in my tumbler with stainless media bought through T&B bullets.  Works great for me.


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Location : Ft Worth, TX


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