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Pistol Box Keys

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Pistol Box Keys Empty Pistol Box Keys

Post by Sa-tevp 8/23/2020, 7:00 pm

I have a Gun-Ho pistol box I bought used from a friend and would like to find a key for the latches. Searching for music case hardware was unsuccessful and it is a different latch than on my other Gun-Ho box (that one uses a square handled key).

If someone has the same type of latch could you post a picture of the key that works in it? Probably I'll have to lug the box to some luggage repair shops and locksmiths at some point but I thought I'd try here first.

Later on I'll post latch and key images for the next person going through this, as my many searches through the forum posts didn't catch many fish.


Pistol Box Keys 20200812    Pistol Box Keys 20200811

I figure if I keep the pistol box locked up the cats can't get in it.

Pistol Box Keys 20151210_062445-e1449860902230 Pistol Box Keys 2015-12-10-06-27-09-jpg

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Pistol Box Keys Empty Re: Pistol Box Keys

Post by Sa-tevp 8/23/2020, 9:47 pm

Some of the other keys I have to compare. They don't work with the latch shown in the first post but I figured they could help the next person searching.


Pistol Box Keys 20200814


Pistol Box Keys 20200813

Another Gun-Ho

Pistol Box Keys 20200815

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Pistol Box Keys Empty Re: Pistol Box Keys

Post by zanemoseley 8/24/2020, 1:28 am

Someone actually uses the lock mechanism Smile but seriously I've never seen anyone lock their box.


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Pistol Box Keys Empty Re: Pistol Box Keys

Post by troystaten 8/24/2020, 2:52 am

In CA when you are transporting a firearm it needs to be in a locked case so I use the lock on my case.  The key for the first case looks like the key that comes with most cheap case locks that they sell at shops that cater to woodworkers and such.


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Pistol Box Keys Empty Re: Pistol Box Keys

Post by CR10X 8/24/2020, 1:12 pm


Some Gun-Ho cases use an Excelsior 6K11 key or the 151 key.    

Other Gun-Ho cases use something similar to 6K11, but thinner and I can't find out what that one is.  Does the key in the last photo (Another Gun-Ho) have a number on it?  If so, can you post what it is because it might be what I'm looking for.


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Pistol Box Keys Empty Re: Pistol Box Keys

Post by Sa-tevp 8/24/2020, 1:58 pm

CR10X wrote:SA-tevp,

Some Gun-Ho cases use an Excelsior 6K11 key or the 151 key.    

Other Gun-Ho cases use something similar to 6K11, but thinner and I can't find out what that one is.  Does the key in the last photo (Another Gun-Ho) have a number on it?  If so, can you post what it is because it might be what I'm looking for.

The key in the last photo does not have a number on it. I appreciate the solid lead you gave on manufacturer and product numbers and I'll have to do another search after work today.

A few weeks ago I went so far as to look at musical instrument case images and repair websites to see if anything matched. I remember seeing these latches on musical instrument cases (Guitar, bass, etc.) when I thought I was a musician but that was late 1970s/early 80s. 


Last edited by Sa-tevp on 11/5/2023, 1:53 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Missing information)

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Pistol Box Keys Empty Re: Pistol Box Keys

Post by Sa-tevp 11/21/2020, 6:50 pm

Sa-tevp wrote:
Another Gun-Ho

Pistol Box Keys 20200815

Asa Yam in the parallel Gun Ho 4 gun box keys thread posted sources for this style HC-02K key:


Good research in that thread.


Last edited by Sa-tevp on 12/12/2020, 8:58 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Pistol Box Keys Empty Re: Pistol Box Keys

Post by Outthere 11/21/2020, 8:13 pm

I lock mine so it can't un-latch unintentionally.

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Pistol Box Keys Empty Re: Pistol Box Keys

Post by jimsteele 11/23/2020, 5:15 pm

Excelsior Hardware co, Straford Conn.   6K11
 in my 3 pistol Gun-ho box


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Pistol Box Keys Empty Re: Pistol Box Keys

Post by Asa Yam 11/23/2020, 11:05 pm

Asa Yam wrote:From appearance, key appears to be similar to an "SKB HC-02K".  

  • ...SNIP...
  • Keys are also available from SKB for $2 each, plus shipping.  Link is https://store.skbcases.com/key-for-freedom-hc-02-latch/

Just received a pair of HC-02K keys from SKB.  (This is the key shown in the photo in Post #7 pf this thread.)  Tried one (they are identical) in the lock of my Gun-Ho box, it worked.  So, for $7 ($2 for each key, plus $3 shipping), i now can lock and unlock my gun box.  This raises the question as to how many types of locks Gun-Ho used on their gun boxes, since we now now that at least one type uses the HC-02K key.

Asa Yam

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Pistol Box Keys Empty Re: Pistol Box Keys

Post by Sa-tevp 12/12/2020, 8:41 pm

jimsteele wrote:Excelsior Hardware co, Straford Conn.   6K11
 in my 3 pistol Gun-ho box

I found and tried 6K11 keys and they worked with this Excelsior latch:

Pistol Box Keys 20200811  Pistol Box Keys 655f0a10

(Key image from Slamfire's post - https://www.bullseyeforum.net/t16113-identify-this-pistol-box#142044 )

Thanks everyone,

Last edited by Sa-tevp on 11/5/2023, 1:50 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Updated 6K11 image since the original disappeared.)

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