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Old Trophies

BE Mike
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Old Trophies Empty Old Trophies

Post by BE Mike 8/24/2020, 9:58 am

I'm having my basement waterproofed. My kids helped me move everything to the center of the basement. I had one large shelving unit full of old shooting trophies. Most are inexpensive with marble and plastic making up the trophy. They now occupy 2 large storage tubs and are very heavy. I've long ago retired from competitive shooting and I've decided that these need to go after the work is completed. I figured that some on here might have had the same situation in the past. Does anyone have any ideas, besides taking them to the dump, on how best to dispose of them?
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Old Trophies Empty Re: Old Trophies

Post by zanemoseley 8/24/2020, 10:23 am

My local club recycles older trophies for youth shooting sometimes. Usually you can just have a new plate/plaque made for the trophy.


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Old Trophies Empty Re: Old Trophies

Post by Wobbley 8/24/2020, 11:25 am

Exactly.  Remove the Metal plate of the match you won and put a new plate on that’s blank.  Donate them to a junior program.

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Old Trophies Empty Re: Old Trophies

Post by mikemyers 8/24/2020, 12:34 pm

When I left Michigan for Florida, I had boxes full of trophies for radio control car racing.  What to do....

I donated all of them to a club, with the instructions that they be handed out at a race in reverse order - the largest trophies were to go to the beginners.  Worked out great, everyone was happy, and I didn't need to throw them in the dump. Best of all, some people just learning how to race went home with some huge trophies!

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Old Trophies Empty Re: Old Trophies

Post by John Dervis 8/24/2020, 2:05 pm

A year or two ago I asked this same question on the list as well as contacting a couple of local match directors and nobody wants/uses trophies anymore.  This includes the youth program which I thought would be the best route.  Anyways, I ended up taking them all apart and disposed of the pieces.  The threaded rods and any other metal was recycled, wood was reused or burned and some of the emblems were kept or given away if they were cool.  The only parts that went to the garbage was plastics which could be recycled too if you normally do that with your trash (but I do not).  It's a bit of work taking them apart but I like that idea vs throwing everything into the landfill.  It's too bad they aren't used anymore but I guess it's a good thing that they aren't still passing them out only to be dealt with in future years.

Good luck.

John Dervis

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Old Trophies Empty Re: Old Trophies

Post by zanemoseley 8/24/2020, 2:48 pm

mikemyers wrote:When I left Michigan for Florida, I had boxes full of trophies for radio control car racing.  What to do....

I donated all of them to a club, with the instructions that they be handed out at a race in reverse order - the largest trophies were to go to the beginners.  Worked out great, everyone was happy, and I didn't need to throw them in the dump. Best of all, some people just learning how to race went home with some huge trophies!

That a very warm and fuzzy PC approach. Participation awards drive me nuts, you either win or you don't and if you don't win and want to enough you'll figure out how to get better. End of rant.


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Old Trophies Empty Re: Old Trophies

Post by BE Mike 8/25/2020, 9:13 am

Thanks for the suggestions. I thought maybe the Salvation Army might want them, but I doubt it. Looks like, to the dump they go.
BE Mike
BE Mike

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Old Trophies Empty Re: Old Trophies

Post by SteveT 8/25/2020, 11:22 am

Super Trophy!
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Old Trophies Empty Re: Old Trophies

Post by SteveT 8/25/2020, 11:30 am

zanemoseley wrote:
mikemyers wrote:When I left Michigan for Florida, I had boxes full of trophies for radio control car racing.  What to do....

I donated all of them to a club, with the instructions that they be handed out at a race in reverse order - the largest trophies were to go to the beginners.  Worked out great, everyone was happy, and I didn't need to throw them in the dump. Best of all, some people just learning how to race went home with some huge trophies!

That a very warm and fuzzy PC approach. Participation awards drive me nuts, you either win or you don't and if you don't win and want to enough you'll figure out how to get better. End of rant.

On the other hand, trophies often mean more to beginners. My first few plaques and trophies were displayed prominently. Now, after years in the sport I prefer no trophy if there is a choice because unless it's the National Matches it's just going in a box in the basement. Giving them to beginners maximizes happiness for all and if it motivates some people to stay in the sport, great. I don't understand the argument that giving out too many awards reduces desire to excel, at least in adults. Most people either have it or don't before they come to our sport.

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Old Trophies Empty Re: Old Trophies

Post by mikemyers 8/25/2020, 12:25 pm

SteveT wrote:
On the other hand, trophies often mean more to beginners......
When I first started radio control car racing, there were first, second, and third place ribbons for the winners of each event.  We almost fought over them, as if they were made of gold.   What you wrote is SO true.

Years later, even the trophies were meaningless.

Don't toss out the. trophies - donate them to a local club, if there is one.  They are worth far more than their weight, in the happiness it will bring a newcomer.

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Old Trophies Empty Re: Old Trophies

Post by SteveT 8/25/2020, 1:05 pm

Maybe instead of awarding trophies to everyone, award a trophy to everyone who shoots a personal best, or improves over the last match. There are lots of ways to reward people other than just winner take all.

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