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whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run?

Jon Eulette
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whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run? Empty whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run?

Post by New2BE Mon Sep 07, 2020 1:13 pm

If my memory serves me correctly, about two years ago, KKM was going to produce a run of barrels for the Smith and Wesson Model 52 in 38 special. From a timing standpoint this was shortly after Clark had started to make and sell theirs. I recall on this forum a number of people holding off on the Clark's to purchase a KKM 52 barrel.

As a follow up, whatever happened? I know I placed my name on a waiting list, but no updates.  Have they gone in and out of production? How do they shoot? Any available or should I buy a Clark?

Inquiring minds need to know.



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whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run? Empty Re: whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run?

Post by Wobbley Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:17 pm

I called KKM about a year ago.  The did not have any intention at that time of making any S&W 52 barrels.  I don’t think that has changed.  So right now your only option is Clark.

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whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run? Empty Re: whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run?

Post by Jon Eulette Mon Sep 07, 2020 6:05 pm

I spoke with the owner of KKM. He said they can hardly keep up with orders now, so no time to be dabbling with 52 barrels.
Jon Eulette
Jon Eulette

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whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run? Empty Re: whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run?

Post by RNS10X Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:27 pm

I was hoping some one could shed some light on relineing barrels. I know it's doable on .22lr's and I think through a link here there I saw where David Sams
had done some rifle barrels in center fire calibers. My question is what is the limiting factor that forbids pistols like the 52 from being relined with a liner of a more
desired twist rate? Just not feasible? Are twist rates able to be changed when relineing .22lr pistols ? Is it the higher pressures generated?
Thanks all, Rich


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whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run? Empty Re: whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run?

Post by zanemoseley Mon Sep 07, 2020 8:31 pm

Most of the CF pistols have thin walled barrels compared to thick barrels you see on blowback 22's. By time you cut enough out of the bore to accommodate a sleeve there would be nothing left.


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whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run? Empty Re: whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run?

Post by Kp321 Tue Sep 08, 2020 10:01 am

zanemoseley wrote:Most of the CF pistols have thin walled barrels compared to thick barrels you see on blowback 22's. By time you cut enough out of the bore to accommodate a sleeve there would be nothing left.
That is true, nothing left after the old rifling is bored out. The other option is to make a two piece barrel like High Powers and some 1911’s have, cut the barrel ahead of the locking lugs, bore it out and silver solder a new barrel in. Been done successfully for years.


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whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run? Empty Re: whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run?

Post by Dr.Don Tue Sep 08, 2020 11:09 am

I have relined several of my own 1911 9mm barrels to get different twist rates.  No problems encountered.  1911 barrels are fairly thick in 9mm.

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whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run? Empty Re: whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run?

Post by rich.tullo Wed Sep 09, 2020 8:17 pm

Probably cost is you, can get a Kart for less then the cost to have a barrel relined provided you can find a liner.

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whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run? Empty Re: whatever happened with the KKM Model 52 barrel run?

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