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New grips for SARO

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New grips for SARO Empty New grips for SARO

Post by Psween 9/9/2020, 5:58 pm

I know it probably won't gain me any points, but they feel really good. Still need to counterbore for grip screws and final sanding, then probably Tru-Oil to finish. Free, DIY upgrades are the kind I can really enjoy, plus I like woodworking.New grips for SARO 20200911
New grips for SARO 20200910
New grips for SARO 20200912


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Join date : 2020-07-17

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New grips for SARO Empty Re: New grips for SARO

Post by troystaten 9/9/2020, 7:38 pm

Looks really good, when you get some finish on them they will look even better.


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New grips for SARO Empty Re: New grips for SARO

Post by Psween 9/9/2020, 7:47 pm

Yeah, hard to see the color and grain when they're so rough, but it's pretty decent walnut and should polish out well. I've done a few other sets of grips and a couple of rifle stocks from the same log and been happy with the final color.


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New grips for SARO Empty Done with finishing, on to shooting

Post by Psween 9/14/2020, 10:41 pm

400 grit finish, then Tru-Oil rubbed out with steel wool and buffed. They fit the gun, fit my hand, and look pretty decent for my first set of 1911 grips. Now, if I get a new bushing fitted and get some trigger work done, I should have a pretty nice gun for about $750 all in. New grips for SARO 20200918
New grips for SARO 20200916
New grips for SARO 20200917New grips for SARO 20200918
New grips for SARO 20200916
New grips for SARO 20200917


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Join date : 2020-07-17

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New grips for SARO Empty Re: New grips for SARO

Post by Tripscape 9/15/2020, 12:47 am

That grip has beautiful angles to it. I love the design and finish. If it was me I would do some stippling, but to each his own.  Amazing finished product!  Design is truly unique. Having done custom grips myself I can say that it takes a lot of thought, skill and time to get it right.


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