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Northern Virginia Gun Works For 1911 work? (not revolver)

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Northern Virginia Gun Works For 1911 work? (not revolver) Empty Northern Virginia Gun Works For 1911 work? (not revolver)

Post by mpolans 9/12/2020, 12:37 am

Anyone have experience with them building 1911s for bullseye?  I'm thinking of asking them to fit a barrel and slide, and mount a frame-mounted scope mount.  Anyone have them do similar work? How happy were you with the results, particularly accuracy at 50 yards, and price?


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Northern Virginia Gun Works For 1911 work? (not revolver) Empty Re: Northern Virginia Gun Works For 1911 work? (not revolver)

Post by PMcfall 9/12/2020, 8:05 am

I've had both a ball gun and a wad gun built by NVGW.  I went Distinguished, Presidents 100 and won the Elihu Root Gold Medal with the ball gun.  Both pistols were excellent in both accuracy and looks.  If I were to need another pistol built at my advanced age, I wouldn't hesitate to send it to Robby and Sandy.

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Northern Virginia Gun Works For 1911 work? (not revolver) Empty Re: Northern Virginia Gun Works For 1911 work? (not revolver)

Post by Allgoodhits 9/12/2020, 1:01 pm

I first started having Sandy Garrett build guns for me in the 70's. His son Robert, then was just a kid. Since then, NVGW, Inc was established. For revolver, semi-auto or custom bolt rifles they are extremely talented.

I have two 1911 .45's built by them, Both guns will shoot 1.5" or less at 50 yds. I have 3, .38 Supers built on 1911 platforms, they all shoot as well, one shoots tighter.

I would say, there is no one superior to their work, and very few their equal. Delivery time is similar or slightly longer than most custom work. Price is clearly on the upper end. There is no one at NVGW who works on guns except Robert and Sandy. To say they are meticulous is an understatement. Often, perceived by many as grumpy. Get beyond that and you will be pleased. You must be patient. They are particular about brand quality of frames, slides and components. They may not use what you want, they will want control of those components. 

You may use my name when talking to them. You likely will speak to Sandy's wife, Nancy, then on to Sandy.

Martin Johnson

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