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Revolver Accuracy - group size

james r chapman
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Revolver Accuracy - group size Empty Revolver Accuracy - group size

Post by sbtzc 9/12/2020, 11:32 am

What group size should a good revolver and 158gr. loads make at 50 yards?

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Revolver Accuracy - group size Empty Re: Revolver Accuracy - group size

Post by CR10X 9/12/2020, 12:00 pm

If you are lucky, 1.5 inches. Average may be 2 to 3 inches. Sometimes 1.5 feet since 158gr lead loads can be tricky.


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Revolver Accuracy - group size Empty Re: Revolver Accuracy - group size

Post by PMcfall 9/12/2020, 12:20 pm

Mine is like CR10X says, 2-3" which was plenty good enough to go Distinguished.  As I understand it, if you are using a Smith, the twist is not exactly right for what we are trying to do.  So we can't expect tiny groups.

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Revolver Accuracy - group size Empty Re: Revolver Accuracy - group size

Post by Zepp 9/13/2020, 2:07 pm

A little more info.  What make gun.  Cast or jacketed.  Maybe we can give you some pointers.


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Revolver Accuracy - group size Empty Re: Revolver Accuracy - group size

Post by james r chapman 9/13/2020, 2:48 pm

james r chapman
james r chapman

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Revolver Accuracy - group size Empty Re: Revolver Accuracy - group size

Post by Allgoodhits 9/13/2020, 3:10 pm

Try 2.5 - 2.7gr CLAYS behind a ZERO 158gr LSWCHP

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Revolver Accuracy - group size Empty Re: Revolver Accuracy - group size

Post by sbtzc 9/13/2020, 4:31 pm

Zepp wrote:A little more info.  What make gun.  Cast or jacketed.  Maybe we can give you some pointers.

S&W 19-3's, 6" and 4". They both seem to 'like' the same loads with similar groups. I've been using cast swc, but prefer coated in general. Groups are out into the white, 25 yards on 25 t/r targets with me holding. Not on call. (I can usually hold the black with .22 and .45.)

The link Jim provided is good. Seems lighter is better, correct?

I see a lot of fire out of the sides on the 6". The end play is 0.008". Too much?

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Revolver Accuracy - group size Empty Re: Revolver Accuracy - group size

Post by Zepp 9/13/2020, 5:36 pm

It is my understanding the S&W likes a .358 diameter bullet.

With a good trigger 3 at 50.


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Revolver Accuracy - group size Empty Re: Revolver Accuracy - group size

Post by sbtzc 9/13/2020, 9:32 pm

sbtzc wrote:
Groups are out into the white, 25 yards on 25 t/r targets with me holding. Not on call.
Perhaps, I've stumbled onto the problem >>>--------> the dip $#!+ behind the trigger.

I'll see what can be done with bags and resting.

Thank you all for the information. I now know what to shoot for.


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Revolver Accuracy - group size Empty Re: Revolver Accuracy - group size

Post by LenV 9/14/2020, 12:11 am

Want to see how accurate your S&W can be? Test it with 110gr XTP And 4.2gr Bullseye powder. Roll crimp on cannelure. That bullet with that load loves 1:18.75 barrels. It will give you something to compare to. FYI. Zero SWCHP are great bullets but not legal for DR. Neither are the XTP. But accurate.

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Revolver Accuracy - group size Empty Re: Revolver Accuracy - group size

Post by TonyH 9/14/2020, 7:29 am

Try the Magtech 158 LRN bullet and drive it at 750 fps with the typical BE pistol powders for DR in a SW revolver. 
The American Eagle and Magtech 158 gun LRN factory loads are most accurate in my revolver (S&W 14-5) and what I compare my reloads against for DR. I used the American Eagle factory load exclusively to complete DR, cheap, and shoots great.

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Revolver Accuracy - group size Empty Re: Revolver Accuracy - group size

Post by Outthere 9/14/2020, 8:46 am

The PPC guys have this figured out.

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Revolver Accuracy - group size Empty Re: Revolver Accuracy - group size

Post by PMcfall 9/14/2020, 9:06 am

I found thru RR testing, 3.2 grs WST with Zero 158 SWC to be the best in my S&W 19.  Not one hole, but 2 1/2" which was plenty good enough.

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Revolver Accuracy - group size Empty Re: Revolver Accuracy - group size

Post by sbtzc 9/17/2020, 6:00 pm

I bag rested and shot 12 rounds within 3.5" @ 25 yards (158 Acme, 3.3 w231, 6" S&W 19-3). There were 2 doubles about an inch apart. There was an inner group of 5 within 1.25".

Obviously, my technique is lacking. I'm going to try 158's from DG Bullets (on order).

Hey, at least with me shooting, someone else might get a point or two toward DR.

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