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Importance of same case lenght in 45 acp

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Importance of same case lenght in 45 acp  Empty Importance of same case lenght in 45 acp

Post by Virgil Kane 6/20/2011, 3:38 pm

How important is having the exact same case lenght in regards to accuracy? I'm not talking about extremes here but has anybody done a study to see if cases that vary by 4-5 thousandths, say .891-.896 make any difference accuracy wise when loaded at the same time and shot in the same group with disregard to seperating them by lenght as long as their not over the max .898 ?

To say it another way, should I trim all my 45 acp brass to the same exact lenght? Would this help with accuracy or is it just overkill to worry about a few thousandths?


Virgil Kane

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Importance of same case lenght in 45 acp  Empty Re: Importance of same case lenght in 45 acp

Post by DavidR 6/20/2011, 4:46 pm

I never found any huge difference ransome testing using mixed brass, but im sure if you get anal enough the more uniform the rounds the more they will preform the same, If you trim the cases, then might as well weigh the bullets and weigh each powder charge too.

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Importance of same case lenght in 45 acp  Empty Re: Importance of same case lenght in 45 acp

Post by Powderman 6/20/2011, 9:56 pm

One of our list pistolsmiths, Ed Masaki, has done numerous tests with loading of mixed cases, case lengths--even mildly cracked cases.

His findings?

For handgun ammunition, cases contribute very little--if anything--to accuracy of the finished product.

My own experience has echoed this. Some of the very best shooting I have done with my wadcutter gun--targets fired during competition scoring 99's and 100's in timed and rapid fire--have been with mixed cases.

As a matter of fact, the last time I actually managed to compete I used mixed cases that had been loaded well over 50 times! They worked very well.

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Location : Washington State--the WET side!

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