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3 clicks DOWN(?) for the long line

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3 clicks DOWN(?) for the long line Empty 3 clicks DOWN(?) for the long line

Post by mspingeld 9/20/2020, 9:10 pm

Shooting a Nelson 22 conversion with iron sights, it's 3 clicks down for the long line. Same gun with a dot needs no adjustment. With the dot I aim for the middle. With irons I hold sub-sub six.

When shooting 45 with irons, it's 3 clicks up.

I don't understand. I thought it should be adjusted up, particularly, since I believe I'm holding even lower on the long line since the black is bigger.

Can someone explain this?


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3 clicks DOWN(?) for the long line Empty Re: 3 clicks DOWN(?) for the long line

Post by Tripscape 9/20/2020, 9:45 pm

I am no wiz at this, but I believe it may be due to ballistics of the 22. Rise at about 25yards and drop at 50yards.  You can google ballistics charts for your ammo or similar load. From what I know 45 shoots flatter and 9mm somewhere in between. But let's see what others think ; )



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3 clicks DOWN(?) for the long line Empty Re: 3 clicks DOWN(?) for the long line

Post by Tripscape 9/20/2020, 9:51 pm

I just re-read and see we are thinking alike, at 50 your sights should go up, not down. If same ammo with dot and irons then it's not the ballistics either. Maybe the way you are shooting is more amplified at long line?


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3 clicks DOWN(?) for the long line Empty Re: 3 clicks DOWN(?) for the long line

Post by john bickar 9/20/2020, 9:55 pm

It is what it is. Write it in your journal and make it repeatable.

Different eyes see things in different ways.

I have many notes for different ranges in my journal - including different inexplicable sight settings.
john bickar
john bickar

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3 clicks DOWN(?) for the long line Empty Re: 3 clicks DOWN(?) for the long line

Post by -TT- 9/21/2020, 6:46 am

mspingeld wrote:since I believe I'm holding even lower on the long line since the black is bigger.

Agree that "it is what it is", but remember the black is not 2x bigger, so with a sub-six hold you are in fact lowering the aiming point less at 50yd from 25yd, relative to the center. The black is scaled up for area, not for radius, so it's a sqrt(2)x thing. I agree 3 clicks seems like a lot though.

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3 clicks DOWN(?) for the long line Empty Re: 3 clicks DOWN(?) for the long line

Post by SteveT 9/21/2020, 8:48 am

Yes, Deep Sub-6 I need to move the sights DOWN at 50. I used 4 clicks and not just in 22.

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3 clicks DOWN(?) for the long line Empty Re: 3 clicks DOWN(?) for the long line

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