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Model 41 Magazines

jim lock
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Model 41 Magazines Empty Model 41 Magazines

Post by jim lock 9/24/2020, 7:29 am

Just received two new mags for my 5 digit clark barrelled 41.  First one jammed about 1/2 inch from completely seating. Second one dropped out of the gun after firing the first shot and continurd to do so.  I will get these exchanged.  My question: Is this going to be the norm or should I just try and buy older mags?  I called S@W they said I had to go to where i bought them which is Clark. 
Thanks in advance

jim lock

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Model 41 Magazines Empty Re: Model 41 Magazines

Post by CrankyThunder 9/24/2020, 8:54 am

Hi Jim:

Unfortunately, there are a lot of issues with the new magazines fitting the model 41.  I have quite a few and I would have to say that about half of them needed to be fitted for proper functioning.  There are a number of procedures that can be applied to get your model 41 mag to work.  

S&W actually recommended that new magazines be gently squeezed in a vice to get them to fit.  I never liked that recommendation and do not recommend it.  

If your magazine is too thick, I would take a flat file to it and file flat both sides and the back to get it to slide in and out of the magazine well nice and slick.  

Secondly, the one that is popping out after a shot or two?  That magazine is too long and the magazine catch is not properly engaging the slot in the magazine.  Take a fine flat file and file that slot so it has more space for the magazine catch.  Top of the magazine is too tight on the bolt and just a small fraction of a inch removed off the top of the slot should correct that situation.  


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Model 41 Magazines Empty Re: Model 41 Magazines

Post by REConley 9/24/2020, 9:25 am

It is not just new magazines that have issues. I have three older 41 mags with the steel follower/take down pin and none of them will seat in either of my 41's with the slide locked back. Move the slide forward and all is fine. I just think that S&W has never had a tight QC for their 22 mags.

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Model 41 Magazines Empty Re: Model 41 Magazines

Post by impalanut 9/24/2020, 12:21 pm

I had the same problem with most of the new mags. If you look down at them from the top, you will likely see that the tight ones bulge out at the sides. I did the gentle squeeze in the vice just enough to make the sides parallel. Mags have been perfect ever since .


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Model 41 Magazines Empty Re: Model 41 Magazines

Post by LenV 9/24/2020, 1:40 pm

I have an older 41 and a newer (2006). My old magazines will work in both but the new mags won't work in the older (1971) pistol. I tinker so I had to find out why. My problem was with the thumb thingy (technical term) that lets you depress the spring while loading the magazine. The older mags had much smaller thumb depress and cleared the older pistol easy. The larger one on the new mags would not clear every time and caused lots of problems.

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Model 41 Magazines Empty Re: Model 41 Magazines

Post by jim lock 9/24/2020, 5:13 pm

Thanks all of you for your help, really appreciate it.  Already have the one fixed that dropped out after the first shot,  working on the second one.  
Thanks again ,  Be Safe  

jim lock

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Model 41 Magazines Empty Re: Model 41 Magazines

Post by Domino1 9/24/2020, 5:20 pm

Did you squeeze it to fit?


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Model 41 Magazines Empty Re: Model 41 Magazines

Post by jim lock 9/28/2020, 8:00 am

Actually squeezing didn't work it was still to big to fit.  I had to use a file on the back side. I couldn't believe how much metal I had to remove.  Works great.  Finally!!!!!

jim lock

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Model 41 Magazines Empty Re: Model 41 Magazines

Post by Jack H 9/28/2020, 12:06 pm

The mag catch on the 41 can be adjusted.  Look inside the frame with the grip off.
Jack H
Jack H

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Model 41 Magazines Empty Re: Model 41 Magazines

Post by troystaten 9/28/2020, 2:14 pm

I have 5 of the newer mags and one of the older mags, I have noticed that they don't drop out on their own when the mag button is pushed, I think some of this is due to how tight the grip screws are.  As for function they all work fine when in the gun.  I think I am one of the fortunate ones and my 41 has given me zero issues even after many 1000's of rounds shot.


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Model 41 Magazines Empty Re: Model 41 Magazines

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