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PhotoEscape Inc Stepped powder thru die for for 32 SW long

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PhotoEscape Inc Stepped powder thru die for for 32 SW long Empty PhotoEscape Inc Stepped powder thru die for for 32 SW long

Post by xxper 10/8/2020, 6:43 pm

Has anyone tried the-new-full-length-stepped-powder-thru-die-for-32-sw-long offered by Photoescape ? If so what size did you use to expand your brass to seat a bumped Speer Plinker? Any and all information will be appreciated.

Thank you,


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Join date : 2018-01-16

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PhotoEscape Inc Stepped powder thru die for for 32 SW long Empty Re: PhotoEscape Inc Stepped powder thru die for for 32 SW long

Post by NuJudge 10/8/2020, 11:47 pm

I have.  I bump the Speer Plinker myself.  

For cases, I use a Lee size die that is bigger in diameter than usual, referred to as a +1, so it leaves the case OD bigger than normal  at .333"-.334" OD, and therefore the case ID bigger also.  I have an assortment of expander diameters I purchased, but I am using an expander that is .3165".  

In my work with the .32 S&-L, I am guided by quotes from Jerry Keefer that I saw here regarding his work with .38 Special:

"one of the secrets to lead, is to form the brass to accept 90% of the bullet with only mild finger pressure.. The long .38 Hollow base wad cutters are approx. .580 long..Here I am loading PENN double end solids, which are approx .525 
All but about .050 should slide into the case with ease.  No force..to prevent sizing the bullet down below bore diameter. 
The only dies I ever saw designed specifically for the long 38 wad cutters were the now extinct CH Auto Champ. This Dillion punch is custom ground.." 

"pull several of your loaded rounds and mic them.. Usually, they will be small, even on the 45.." 

"Remember, have the punch ground so there is enough adjustment to control the depth..Stop the forming so about .025/.030 of the bullet cannot be pushed in by hand.. This will prevent unwanted movement or set back during seating and or recoil.."


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