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Steyr T50 air cylinders?

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Steyr T50 air cylinders? Empty Steyr T50 air cylinders?

Post by ANDYZ28 Fri Oct 09, 2020 7:14 pm

I am in the process of getting a Steyr T50 air pistol for winter practice. The seller does not have the 2 air cylinders for it, and is asking $800. Looked around today and I see that Champions Choice has them for $200 each. Is this a good deal? I need the pistol because it is a 5 shot repeater.


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Steyr T50 air cylinders? Empty Re: Steyr T50 air cylinders?

Post by Outthere Sat Oct 10, 2020 12:11 pm

You may check Pilkguns, too.

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Steyr T50 air cylinders? Empty Re: Steyr T50 air cylinders?

Post by Brent375hh Sun Jan 03, 2021 8:11 am



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Steyr T50 air cylinders? Empty Re: Steyr T50 air cylinders?

Post by CR10X Sun Jan 03, 2021 9:33 am

Yea, sounds like pretty much the going rate for a upscale air pistol with out of date cylinders and cylinder cost. Scott Pilkington may be a little cheaper.  Check the date on the existing cylinder.  For competitions the air cylinders have a 10 year life from the date code on the cylinder. And if you shoot competitions you should also have a single shot clip as well.  If you are just shooting at home, most people ignore the date code. In addition, when a cylinder leaks, its generally easier to buy another one than to get the old one repaired.  There are pluses and minuses for PCP, versus CO2, versus SSP, versus Sringers in the air pistol world.  For 5 shot versions we're stuck with older CO2 models or PCP.

Honestly, I had one and it did not turn out to help with TF / RF.  But it was fun to shoot and made me train with AP more which helped with overall precision shooting. The squirrels around the bird feeder had a different opinion. 



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