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SW Master 38 model 52-1/2

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SW Master 38 model 52-1/2 Empty SW Master 38 model 52-1/2

Post by albertrichard123 3/19/2013, 7:59 am

Using H&G 251/356 ,sized355,full wadcutter both end with light bevel.
3 grease groves, no crimp grove:do we use a light roll crimp or taper chimp at the case mouth?
H&G mold chart states this bullet is for the 52-1/2.
2.7 BE or what?
Rem HBWC: roll or crimp at the case mouth?
thanks to any and all that may respond.

arh ardickharris1@sbcglobal.net

Last edited by albertrichard123 on 3/19/2013, 8:03 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typing error on first post........)


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Join date : 2012-05-17
Location : Fresno, CA 93710

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SW Master 38 model 52-1/2 Empty Re: SW Master 38 model 52-1/2

Post by Virgil Kane 3/19/2013, 2:52 pm

I use a slight taper crimp with the Rem HBWC and 2.7 of BE.

Virgil Kane

Posts : 574
Join date : 2011-06-10

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SW Master 38 model 52-1/2 Empty M52 loading details

Post by noylj 3/22/2013, 7:21 pm

First, I have only found HBWCs to be accurate in any of my M52s. Next, the most accurate bullet I have found is the Remington 148gn L-HBWC (which has also been the least expensive bullet I have found). It is 0.360-0.361" at the skirt and 0.358" at the nose.
Thus, I can not see any accuracy from a 0.355" bullet in a 0.357-0.358" bore. Try what I have done for over 30 years--shoot as-cast bullets and pan lube or tumble lube. If your mold doesn't cast at about 0.358", you may need to add more antimony to cast a lighter but larger bullet.
At the least, slug your barrel and start with a bullet that is at least 0.001" larger than the barrel groove diameter. Also, if you have 2 or 3 lube grooves, only lube the bottom most groove.
The best seating and crimp is to seat just below the case mouth and apply a very slight roll crimp using the Redding Profile Crimp die. There needs to be no sharp case mouth edge to catch on anything.
Also, seat a bullet, pull the bullet and re-measure the size. If seating is swaging the bullet down, you will have poor accuracy and need to get a larger expander. The case, after expanding, should have a case ID (over most of the distance the bullet will be seated) that is 0.001-0.002" smaller than the bullet OD.


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Age : 75
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SW Master 38 model 52-1/2 Empty Re: SW Master 38 model 52-1/2

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