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SP20 in .32 S&W

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SP20 in .32 S&W Empty SP20 in .32 S&W

Post by lonegunman 10/21/2020, 6:10 am

I have been looking at a very low miles SP20 in 32 S&W, in the case, three mags and all the usual goodies.  Yeah some day somewhere someone might crack a frame or whatever.  I heard the same thing about my 208S and 20 years as my primary .22 it is still going strong, something to be said for replacing springs when they are due.   Maybe 32 ACP has better resale, but this is available for a decent price so it is what I can buy.

Anyway, does anyone have any actual first hand, primary source information to offer?  Do you own one? Did you own one? Did you shoot it?  How did you like it?  What kind of scores did you manage with it?

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SP20 in .32 S&W Empty Re: SP20 in .32 S&W

Post by JKR 10/21/2020, 6:39 am

A few years back I shot a match next to a Marine reservist who was using one and doing very well with it. The frame broke in mid match. I don’t know if this was a freak occurrence or a design flaw. Not many Hammerli 32’s in these parts, either Sp20’s or 280’s.


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SP20 in .32 S&W Empty Re: SP20 in .32 S&W

Post by fc60 10/21/2020, 11:49 am


I shot an SP-20 combo (22-32).

The 32 bolt broke at one of the ear webs. (A crack)

The barrels are easily swapped out for a custom one.

They (the 32) had two recoil spring options. Regular and Heavy.

The 280 brass catcher is easily modified to fit the SP-20.

Most SP-20 have the frame drilled and tapped for users of "lights".

Back when, I also shot a "light". Swapping the 32 for the 22 resulted in a minimal sight change.

Magazines from the 280 fit the SP-20.

The SP-20 trigger group has a weakness. It is a cast alloy of some sort. The grip screw is secured into a bushing on the trigger group. Mine cracked and broke off. Larry Carter rebuilt the trigger with a replacement housing. The 280 trigger group has a steel housing and I used that for a while after drilling a hole in the bottom for the grip screw bushing.

Parts are difficult to find. Walther sold the Haemmerli name to Umarex and Umarex do not support the old guns at all.

Factory 32 ammo does not shoot well. Unless you have access to some Military Marksmanship Lapua ammo that has been pre-tested for accuracy.

The 32 barrels generally gauge at 0.3135" groove diameter. They, the 32 barrels, are surface treated and are very hard.



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SP20 in .32 S&W Empty Re: SP20 in .32 S&W

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