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checking for cracks

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checking for cracks Empty checking for cracks

Post by Deerspy Thu Oct 29, 2020 11:54 pm

what can you due to check for cracks in a revolver cylinder  with out damage to the finish can magnetic particle  inspect detect ?

between two chambers in the thin web look like might be a crack.


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checking for cracks Empty Re: checking for cracks

Post by LenV Fri Oct 30, 2020 12:21 am

Kroil, if there is a crack it would make it through. And wouldn't hurt anything to sit in in a cylinder for awhile. Air could also work.

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checking for cracks Empty Re: checking for cracks

Post by CR10X Fri Oct 30, 2020 6:54 am

Yes, Kroil is a good way.  Saturate the surface with Kroil, wait a few minutes and then wipe it all off.  Let the piece sit for a while and then inspect to see if there is any Kroil on the surface. It usually makes a line following the crack.  Especially useful for checking Hammerli and High Standard frames and .22 conversion slides.


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checking for cracks Empty Re: checking for cracks

Post by "plq" Fri Oct 30, 2020 8:19 am

The cylinder should be viable for MPI - provided it's ferromagnetic. Most will be, but some 'stainless' compositions aren't, and I'm not sure whether any are used for revolvers. 

But Kroil's going to be a lot easier unless you've got a MPI unit handy and know how to use it. 

If so, you can detect sub-surface fissures w/ MPI as well - so potentially stress fractures that are emerging.


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checking for cracks Empty Re: checking for cracks

Post by Aprilian Fri Oct 30, 2020 9:36 am

Degrease.   Spray with dry white powder spray (like an athlete’s foot spray). Put Kroil on qtip and put it on one side of the suspected crack.  If it is a crack, the oil will wick through and turn the white on the other side dark.

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checking for cracks Empty Re: checking for cracks

Post by TomH_pa Fri Oct 30, 2020 1:02 pm

If you have an automotive machine shop near by, particularly if they grind crankshafts, they would probably magnaflux the cylinder for you for a nominal fee. There would be no damage to the finish.

I can do it but you'd have to ship it


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checking for cracks Empty Re: checking for cracks

Post by Deerspy Sat Oct 31, 2020 10:15 am

thanks for the tips on Kroil and how to use it I will try  that and see if I can see any thing if not will keep shooting it


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