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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by gwhite 11/1/2020, 6:20 pm

First topic message reminder :

I help coach a collegiate pistol team.  We have been using Kruger targets for many years, imported from Germany.  Their paper is a little heavier & stiffer than most US target brands, and they produce cleaner holes that are easier to score.   The difference is most noticeable for air pistol targets, but the .22 targets are also nicer.

Unfortunately, it appears that Kruger is getting out of the US target business.   Although everything is still shut down due to COVID, I wanted to re-stock before things get rolling again.

The two biggest manufacturers I know of are American Target & National Target companies.  The club I shoot at uses American Targets, and they are actually better quality than I remember from years past.  I have some National brand targets at home, and they seem to be very slightly thinner, softer paper.  I haven't investigated  pricing, but based on that, I'm tempted to buy from American.  

Kruger's US dealer used to give us a discount, partly because it was for a school program, and partly because we would often buy about $500 worth of targets a year.   

So, two questions:

1)  Whose targets do you prefer & why?

2)  Who is a good outfit to deal with for buying targets?  



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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by SonOfSwede 3/25/2021, 8:11 am

I sent an e-mail to Kruger in Germany asking where I could purchase Kruger NRA targets.  They responded that the NRA would not renew their license to print NRA targets due to an America first policy.  All of the remaining stock was transferred to Champion's Choice.


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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by gwhite 3/25/2021, 9:50 am

SonOfSwede wrote:I sent an e-mail to Kruger in Germany asking where I could purchase Kruger NRA targets.  They responded that the NRA would not renew their license to print NRA targets due to an America first policy.  All of the remaining stock was transferred to Champion's Choice.
I have very mixed feelings about that.  If American companies could actually bother to make targets as high quality as Kruger, I'm all for buying American.  However, that's not the case...


I checked Champion's Choice, and they are already sold out of the 50 foot International targets I need for the college team I help coach.


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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by Vinkemulder 3/25/2021, 10:11 am

American Target. Excellent quality and low cost shipping

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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by james r chapman 3/25/2021, 10:54 am

Might try

james r chapman
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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by gwhite 3/25/2021, 11:53 am

james r chapman wrote:Might try

The American brand targets are generally as good as US targets get.  Pistoleer doesn't say who supplies theirs, or if they print them.  I've bought from them before, and was not overly impressed with the quality.   if you've never shot on Kruger targets, you don't know what you are missing.


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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by james r chapman 3/25/2021, 1:28 pm

I have.
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james r chapman

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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by SonOfAGun 3/25/2021, 1:46 pm

SonOfSwede wrote:I sent an e-mail to Kruger in Germany asking where I could purchase Kruger NRA targets.  They responded that the NRA would not renew their license to print NRA targets due to an America first policy.  All of the remaining stock was transferred to Champion's Choice.

I guess we should stop using all those guns made in Switzerland, Germany, and Italy...

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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by PhotoEscape 3/25/2021, 8:48 pm

SonOfAGun wrote:
SonOfSwede wrote:I sent an e-mail to Kruger in Germany asking where I could purchase Kruger NRA targets.  They responded that the NRA would not renew their license to print NRA targets due to an America first policy.  All of the remaining stock was transferred to Champion's Choice.

I guess we should stop using all those guns made in Switzerland, Germany, and Italy...
I've never heard that manufacturing of pistols in Switzerland, Germany, Italy required NRA License.  Let's not forget that Ms. Merkel and Bundestag effectively destroyed SIG Sauer in Germany for not following country's laws.  Targets are not a different story, and I applaud Kruger for following the laws and licensing agreements.  And, YES to AMERICA FIRST policies!  I personally by targets from American Targets - great quality and great people in that shop!


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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by SonOfAGun 3/25/2021, 9:45 pm

PhotoEscape wrote:
SonOfAGun wrote:
SonOfSwede wrote:I sent an e-mail to Kruger in Germany asking where I could purchase Kruger NRA targets.  They responded that the NRA would not renew their license to print NRA targets due to an America first policy.  All of the remaining stock was transferred to Champion's Choice.

I guess we should stop using all those guns made in Switzerland, Germany, and Italy...
I've never heard that manufacturing of pistols in Switzerland, Germany, Italy required NRA License.  Let's not forget that Ms. Merkel and Bundestag effectively destroyed SIG Sauer in Germany for not following country's laws.  Targets are not a different story, and I applaud Kruger for following the laws and licensing agreements.  And, YES to AMERICA FIRST policies!  I personally by targets from American Targets - great quality and great people in that shop!


I'm totally fine with Kruger deciding to not make targets, for whatever reason they made that decision. But I guess the NRA doesn't think *you* should buy official targets from a European manufacturer, so *they* decided (apparently) to not renew Kruger's license.

Might The Sanctioning Body also "suggest" that you not use a European made target pistol? I mean, there are target pistols that are made in the USA, after all. Of course, Pardini doesn't need a license from the NRA to make pistols. But what if The Sanctioning Body adjusted the rules to require only USA made pistols in sanctioned matches?

I fully support your choice to make decisions on whatever basis you choose, including "America First" principles.

I've heard that Kruger targets are very nice. I have not had an opportunity to use them.

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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by troystaten 6/25/2021, 10:06 pm

Very sad to hear about the Kruger targets not being available for NRA style bulleye shooting, I use their B-8 target repair centers and really like them.


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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Kruger targets and nra

Post by Aim4-300 1/8/2023, 5:22 pm

From what I gather Kruger and nra have a disagreement. guessing nra wants to squeeze a little more $$$ so WLa puk can buy a new pair of yacht shoes and redo one of his swimming pools


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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by gwhite 1/8/2023, 6:03 pm

An enterprising gentleman named Chase Turner has started importing Kruger targets!  He has the ISSF air pistol targets, but he is also importing targets for US bullseye style shooting at non-metric distances (like 50 feet, 25 yards, etc.).   Because the NRA will no longer issue a license to Kruger, these are not official targets that can be used for NRA sanctioned matches.  However, if you just want nice targets to practice on, or are competing in non-NRA events, they are fine.  

This is a side job for Mr. Turner, and it's just getting going.  He's working on getting a web site set up, but you can order targets by contacting him via email:  krugerpremiumtargets @ gmail (dot) com


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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by Aim4-300 1/8/2023, 6:56 pm

gwhite wrote:An enterprising gentleman named Chase Turner has started importing Kruger targets!  He has the ISSF air pistol targets, but he is also importing targets for US bullseye style shooting at non-metric distances (like 50 feet, 25 yards, etc.).   Because the NRA will no longer issue a license to Kruger, these are not official targets that can be used for NRA sanctioned matches.  However, if you just want nice targets to practice on, or are competing in non-NRA events, they are fine.  

This is a side job for Mr. Turner, and it's just getting going.  He's working on getting a web site set up, but you can order targets by contacting him via email:  krugerpremiumtargets @ gmail (dot) com
Thanks or the tip!


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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by JHHolliday 1/18/2023, 9:06 am

As mentioned Kruger targets are very good.  The paper is "crisp", holes are sharp, and it is easier to see overlapping POIs.  The backers at the range I use are useless (and mostly shot away), but Kruger paper doesn't seem to need a backer.

For example here is 10M air pistol Kruger card (0.177), compared with "CHL official NRA" 50' slow fire (.22 LR)



Chase has 50' Kruger for $30/250

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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by Trowellw 2/8/2023, 10:06 am

Sorry to hear that NRA is not allowing Kruger to use their seal for NRA sanctioned matches.  I was looking to buy the Kruger B2 and B3 targets for the upcoming NRA Sectionals.  This was because the scorers complained about the difficulty in scoring the non-Kruger B2 and B3 targets.  Well, maybe next year.  In any case, I do like the high quality of the Kruger targets.


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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by Ed Hall 2/8/2023, 11:51 am

Some B2 and B3 targets we recently received from American Target are showing better holes than our past purchased ones.  It could be due to age and storage, but these look and feel different and have a cleaner print.  American Target does have an NRA license.

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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by jwax 2/9/2023, 9:08 am

90% of my competitive shooting is not at "NRA Sanctioned or Registered" matches. Local clubs.
Kruger targets are preferred, and incidentally, are also approved for CMP matches.
All for "America first", but I shoot a Hammerli and a Pardini, as well as Colt, Browning, High Standard, and S&W.
NRA could do more to promote our sport by approving a better, albeit foreign target maker.

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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by gwhite 2/9/2023, 9:27 am

By eliminating the competition, the NRA has removed any incentive for US target vendors to improve their products.  Kruger's are significantly better than any US targets.  They sell at a premium, which indicates people are happy to pay for the improved quality.  There is no reason besides inertia that US target makers couldn't get quality paper and duplicate the Kruger targets.


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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by Travlr99 2/9/2023, 2:04 pm

gwhite wrote:By eliminating the competition, the NRA has removed any incentive for US target vendors to improve their products.  Kruger's are significantly better than any US targets.  They sell at a premium, which indicates people are happy to pay for the improved quality.  There is no reason besides inertia that US target makers couldn't get quality paper and duplicate the Kruger targets.

Last year I was wondering about that and called one of the NRA-licensed target vendors.  The gentleman with whom I spoke said that they simply could not get that quality of paper in the US, and that importing it was too expensive.

At least for air pistols, CHL targets seem to be second best to Kruger.  Not as good, but better than other brands.


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Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them? - Page 2 Empty Re: Best Quality Targets & Where to Buy Them?

Post by Chase Turner 2/9/2023, 5:34 pm

Hi Everybody,

I updated a thread in Commercial Row with some information that may prove of interest to those assembled here. It's located here: https://www.bullseyeforum.net/t20375-kruger-targets-update#180320

Hope this resolves some issues raised in this thread. If not? Please email me directly at krugerpremiumtargets@gmail.com and I'll do what I can to address your concerns.


Chase Turner

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