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NRA B2, B3 50 ft reduction targets

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NRA B2, B3  50 ft reduction targets Empty NRA B2, B3 50 ft reduction targets

Post by Allgoodhits 11/3/2020, 5:53 am

I have never seen a B2 or B3 target. Are the scoring rings the same dimension on each?

It is my understanding that the 50 ft reduction SF target has the "bullseye" out to include the 7 ring. What is the diameter of the blackened area of the 50 ft SF Target?

It is my understanding that the 50 ft reduction TF/RF target has the "bullseye" out to include the 9 ring. What is the diameter of the 9 ring on the 50 ft TF/RF target?

Thank you.

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Location : Southport, NC

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NRA B2, B3  50 ft reduction targets Empty Re: NRA B2, B3 50 ft reduction targets

Post by chiz1180 11/3/2020, 6:20 am

The size of the black of the 50’ SF is the same as the 50’ Timed and Rapid. The scoring rings on the SF target are smaller, the 10 ring on the slowfire target is just about the size of the X ring on the timed and rapid.

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NRA B2, B3  50 ft reduction targets Empty Re: NRA B2, B3 50 ft reduction targets

Post by -TT- 11/3/2020, 7:42 am


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NRA B2, B3  50 ft reduction targets Empty Re: NRA B2, B3 50 ft reduction targets

Post by Asa Yam 11/3/2020, 8:42 am

From the "NRA Precision Pistol Rulebook", Page 12.  (Rules 4.2 and 4.3.  Items in BOLD text are my emphasis.)

4.2 50 foot slow fire - 50 yard Standard American reduced to 50 feet, 7, 8, 9 and 10 rings black. Target No. B-2. 
10 ring .....................0.90 in 
9 ring .......................1.54 in 
8 ring .......................2.23 in 
7 ring .......................3.07 in 
6 ring .......................4.16 in 
5 ring .......................5.56 in 
4 ring .......................7.33 in 

4.3 50 foot timed or rapid fire - 9 and 10 rings black. Target No. B-3.
X ring ......................0.90 in 
10 ring ....................1.80 in 
9 ring .......................3.06 in 
8 ring .......................4.46 in 
7 ring .......................6.14 in 
6 ring .......................8.32 in

Weblink to Rulebook:  https://competitions.nra.org/media/8365/nra-precision-pistol-rules.pdf

Hope this helps.

Asa Yam

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Join date : 2018-09-15

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NRA B2, B3  50 ft reduction targets Empty Re: NRA B2, B3 50 ft reduction targets

Post by mikemargolis 11/3/2020, 11:53 am



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NRA B2, B3  50 ft reduction targets Empty Re: NRA B2, B3 50 ft reduction targets

Post by Allgoodhits 11/3/2020, 2:26 pm

Asa Yam wrote:From the "NRA Precision Pistol Rulebook", Page 12.  (Rules 4.2 and 4.3.  Items in BOLD text are my emphasis.)

4.2 50 foot slow fire - 50 yard Standard American reduced to 50 feet, 7, 8, 9 and 10 rings black. Target No. B-2. 
10 ring .....................0.90 in 
9 ring .......................1.54 in 
8 ring .......................2.23 in 
7 ring .......................3.07 in 
6 ring .......................4.16 in 
5 ring .......................5.56 in 
4 ring .......................7.33 in 

4.3 50 foot timed or rapid fire - 9 and 10 rings black. Target No. B-3.
X ring ......................0.90 in 
10 ring ....................1.80 in 
9 ring .......................3.06 in 
8 ring .......................4.46 in 
7 ring .......................6.14 in 
6 ring .......................8.32 in

Weblink to Rulebook:  https://competitions.nra.org/media/8365/nra-precision-pistol-rules.pdf

Hope this helps.

Thank you.

Posts : 908
Join date : 2017-09-17
Location : Southport, NC

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