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Anyone use a ring retical?

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Anyone use a ring retical? Empty Anyone use a ring retical?

Post by Psween 11/5/2020, 8:42 am

My Ruger Govt. Target has a Bushnell Trophy dot on it, and it has four selectable reticals, 3MOA dot, 8 MOA dot, cross hair, or 3 MOA dot in a 65 MOA ring. I've been experimenting, and the ring and dot seems to 'dance' less than the dot alone. I know my wobble isn't changing, but visually it looks steadier. Anyone else have any thoughts, or has anyone tried other than the default small round dot?



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Anyone use a ring retical? Empty Re: Anyone use a ring retical?

Post by Tripscape 11/8/2020, 3:55 pm

I just recently went from Aimpoint to Holosun 503 with 65 MOA. Could not extensively test as I had problems with ejector, but yes, it felt steadier and whole picture is more pronounced.  Some.may say it's clutter, but I like it. Ring in a ring in a dot.


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Join date : 2019-03-23

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