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Stippling after sizing ergo grips

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Stippling after sizing ergo grips Empty Stippling after sizing ergo grips

Post by Jwhelan939 11/15/2020, 10:36 am

I have a pair of medium Rink grips that came with my Gt45. It seems like they need a decent amount of sanding to fit me. I was wondering what everyone does for grip after adjusting ergo grips? Do you stipple with a punch? Any better methods that give a good grit? Ty for your thoughts.


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Stippling after sizing ergo grips Empty Re: Stippling after sizing ergo grips

Post by mspingeld 11/15/2020, 10:49 am

I've used a Dremel to stipple. small pointy bit, tap-tap-tap. Go slow, be gentle. Comes out good.


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Stippling after sizing ergo grips Empty Re: Stippling after sizing ergo grips

Post by Sa-tevp 11/15/2020, 11:28 am

I jammed a nail into the split end of a tack hammer. Once you get the wrist motion it goes quickly and I can make my work blend in with the factory texture. I like to switch  between light-medium-hard strikes. If you are near an edge I suggest concentrating on getting the borders correct then you can relax and fill in the rest.

After the stippling is done I brush away the loose wood with a wire brush and apply Sherell's stock oil.

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Stippling after sizing ergo grips Empty Re: Stippling after sizing ergo grips

Post by -TT- 11/15/2020, 11:31 am

Try using a #0 phillips screwdriver bit, and a small hammer. Hold the bit lightly between thumb and forefinger, then move it around while tap-tap-tapping with the hammer. It does a fabulous job.

You can also buy electric stippling tools for a few dozen bucks. They work great, too.

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