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What should I do?

Rob Kovach
BE Mike
Marine Shooter
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What should I do? Empty What should I do?

Post by Marine Shooter 3/24/2013, 4:50 pm

Hey Guys,
I was shooting a match this past weekend and had a great time doing it since it has been a long time sine I have shot in a regular match. However, I have been primarily shooting my Ruger MK II Gov't Target with a red dot and have had some pretty decent scores. But then came time for the center fire portion and I broke out my Series 70 National Match Gold Cup with a full length BoMar rib sight on it. I was doing great until I sighted in on the target and had trouble sighting in. It looks like I will need to go to a red dot on my Center Fire gun as well.

I would hate to drill and tap the frame for a mount. Is there anything else I can do without messing up the frame?

I could just get another slide and mount the scope on that and interchange it as needed. what do you guys suggest?

Marine Shooter

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What should I do? Empty Re: What should I do?

Post by BE Mike 3/24/2013, 5:07 pm

My first centerfire gun was a series 70 Colt Gold Cup. If the gun is unmodified, it isn't accurate enough for the 50 yard line. Well, at least mine wasn't. I started outshooting it before I made Sharpshooter. It is worth quite a bit as a stock gun, however. If I were in your shoes and you can't afford a new gun right now, I'd sell the pistol and have someone build a new one from a base gun. The Springfield Armory pistols make fine base guns. The SA Range Officer (out of the box) has a lot of good reviews and you could get into it with a trigger job and a slide mount for less than you could make by selling the Gold Cup. If the pistol has been accurized, Clark Custom probably still sells a scope mount that will fit the holes of the Bo Mar rib. Looks like you are in luck. The Clark Slide Mount for the Gold Cup is still cataloged. Here is the data from their website:
CLK-221GC Clark Slide Mount, Gold Cup.

Last edited by BE Mike on 3/24/2013, 6:27 pm; edited 2 times in total
BE Mike
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What should I do? Empty Re: What should I do?

Post by bullseyebill 3/24/2013, 5:23 pm

How's the Bomar rib held on? Why not use a slide mount for the red dot. You could probably use the tapped holes that are already in the slide.


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What should I do? Empty Re: What should I do?

Post by gulliver62 3/24/2013, 6:50 pm

Ditto bullseyebill. I fit a rail to 2 of my .45's that previously sported Bo-mar ribs.

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What should I do? Empty Re: What should I do?

Post by Rob Kovach 3/24/2013, 7:42 pm

x3 for the slide mount. If BE Mike is right and your series 70 needs some accurizing, it's plenty of a "base gun" We can recommend all kinds of smiths to help you out.
Go with the slide mount and see how it shoots.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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What should I do? Empty Re: What should I do?

Post by pergoman 3/24/2013, 9:09 pm

My 70 Series Gold Cup had the Eliason rear target sight and I too did not wish to hurt the gun's value but wanted a red dot. John at BME Mounts makes a base to replace the factory rear sight. You then put on your Docter or Burris Fastfire red dot. No smithing, no holes, and takes a few minutes to install.


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What should I do? Empty Re: What should I do?

Post by WVBE Shooter 3/24/2013, 9:11 pm

I recently had Dave Salyer do a slide mount on my SA Lomgslide and it turned out perfect.

WVBE Shooter

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What should I do? Empty Re: What should I do?

Post by Rob Kovach 3/24/2013, 10:18 pm

Since he had the BO-MAR rib on it already, he doesn't even need a gunsmith. It's ready to go for the Slide Mount shown in the second post.
Rob Kovach
Rob Kovach

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What should I do? Empty Re: What should I do?

Post by Yiogo 3/26/2013, 8:15 am

If the rear sight is dovetailed, you can buy a dovetailed mount and scope for a red dot. Mount is specific to the dot sight. I think that's what pergoman is saying. Yiogo


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What should I do? Empty Re: What should I do?

Post by Marine Shooter 3/28/2013, 4:55 am

Thanks guys,
I ordered the slide mount from Clark that fits all the BoMar holes on the frame. Now its time to go shopping for a new Red Dot.

Marine Shooter

Marine Shooter

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What should I do? Empty Re: What should I do?

Post by ddivins 3/28/2013, 4:15 pm

For the Red Dot, I really think the Aimpoint Micro is in a class by itself. I also have a Ultradot Matchdot II. The Matchdot is nice, but the Aimpoint is so easy to pinpoint adjust, plus it has integrated weaver mount, so no messing with rings. It's expensive, but worth it in the long run.



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