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Rem hollow base wc, 38 spl..........

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Rem hollow base wc, 38 spl.......... Empty Rem hollow base wc, 38 spl..........

Post by albertrichard123 3/25/2013, 12:54 pm

Which crimp,roll or taper for this swaged bullet for use in the SW 38 Master 51-1/2?



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Rem hollow base wc, 38 spl.......... Empty Re: Rem hollow base wc, 38 spl..........

Post by Virgil Kane 3/25/2013, 1:05 pm

I use Lee taper crimp die for my 52-2 and the Rem HBWC. Most other dies are for revolvers and feature a roll crimp die which is harder for the soft bullet to straighten out when exiting the brass. Just enough taper to remove the flaring of case mouth.

As a side note I experimented with no crimp while using the Rem HBWC and just used the Lee Factory Crimp die with the die set so there was no crimp, just the case being run through the carbide ring to remove the flared case mouth. I think I got my best accuracy doing this and had ZERO FTF while testing with this method. I also trim cases to .010 under recommended minimum lenght.


Virgil Kane

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Rem hollow base wc, 38 spl.......... Empty Re: Rem hollow base wc, 38 spl..........

Post by albertrichard123 3/25/2013, 1:23 pm

thanks Virgil Kane.


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Location : Fresno, CA 93710

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Rem hollow base wc, 38 spl.......... Empty Re: Rem hollow base wc, 38 spl..........

Post by noylj 3/30/2013, 5:03 pm

The best crimp die I have found for .38 Wadcutters is the Redding Profile Crimp die. I fire in a S&W M52 and it likes just a slight roll crimp so there is a smooth curve at the mouth for feeding.
Also, I have not found ANY bullet that is more accurate in my three M52s.
I fire unsized cases and do everything I can to NOT swage the bullet down any.


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Rem hollow base wc, 38 spl.......... Empty Re: Rem hollow base wc, 38 spl..........

Post by albertrichard123 3/30/2013, 7:30 pm

thanks to those responding to my 52-1/2 loading questins, a lot to ponder on. Part of my problem is that I'm loading on a and this uses a11/16 die, most are 7/8 " etc, so I'm not sure which way to go.


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Location : Fresno, CA 93710

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Rem hollow base wc, 38 spl.......... Empty Re: Rem hollow base wc, 38 spl..........

Post by james r chapman 4/6/2013, 12:22 pm

I basically roll crimp to duplicate the factory round, whether Remington or Federal.

since remingtons have pretty much disappeared around here, I've had great success with Magnus #514 in .38 revolvers for PPC.

not quite apples to apples, but, it works.

Rem hollow base wc, 38 spl.......... Magnus148hbwc27grBullseye2013-03-09001_zps745447ce
james r chapman
james r chapman

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Rem hollow base wc, 38 spl.......... Empty Re: Rem hollow base wc, 38 spl..........

Post by noylj 4/27/2013, 10:37 pm

Of course, Magnus isn't taking orders now...


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