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Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question

Oleg G
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Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question - Page 2 Empty Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question

Post by Oleg G 11/22/2020, 8:30 am

First topic message reminder :

As I am getting ready to start my reloading quest (likely in the New Year, as my attic is getting finished), I am collecting as much information as I can to prepare myself for success.
Friends recommended that I don't attempt to seat and crimp at once - check. I bought a separate Lee factory crimping die for the last operation.
I was able to buy lead SWC hollow point bullets from Zero - check.
I ordered a seating plug for the SWC bullets for my Lee die from RRPMI on Ebay - check.

Now come the next questions:
I read on this forum that it is very important to correctly bell/flare the case for seating of the lead bullets. Is there a recommended measurement for the size of the case flare for Zero R186 bullets?

Roze Distribution: 45 Acp (.452 Diameter) - 185 GR SWHP $ per 1000

Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question - Page 2 186_me10

I plan to seat these bullets to .915" - .918" length as measured from the base of case to the bullet shoulder.
Are the any specific tricks to seating these bullets using a Lee press?

Best Regards,
Oleg G
Oleg G

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Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question - Page 2 Empty Re: Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question

Post by Wobbley 11/22/2020, 3:33 pm

For crimping I’d use ANY good TAPER crimping die.  Crimp to a dimension at the case mouth.  This is tricky to measure with a digital caliper but can be done a tad bit easier with a micrometer.

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Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question - Page 2 Empty Re: Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question

Post by Oleg G 11/22/2020, 3:44 pm

Ashley, would this die be acceptable?

Lee 45 ACP Taper Crimp die

45 ACP/Auto Rim/Scholfield/Win Mag Taper Crimp Die by Lee (midsouthshooterssupply.com)
Oleg G
Oleg G

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Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question - Page 2 Empty Re: Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question

Post by Schaumannk 11/22/2020, 4:23 pm

Oleg,  I personally like either the Hornady or the micro adjustable Redding because you have the ability to make micro adjustments to the crimp without backing out the locking ring and retightening it.   

One other part you might want to consider is a loaded round case gauge to check your ammo before it goes in the box.   I have one manufactured by the gunsmith that built my guns.   One of the surest ways to detect when something has worked loose, or you have missed the crimp.


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Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question - Page 2 Empty Re: Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question

Post by Guest 11/22/2020, 4:31 pm

I also use a Lee APP for decap/size. I have found that using some Hornady One Shot really makes this process almost effortless. I use a deep Aluminum roasting pan (Dollar store), put about 200 cases in, a good spray of HOS, shake-shake, then to APP. I then re-polish the brass in my tumbler to remove the HOS.

I prefer to then prime by hand away from the press.

Can't offer any advice re' 3 hole press, but it seems to be a pain to have to put the rounds through the APP again to complete the crimp. My choice would be to sell the 3 hole press and upgrade to a Lee Breech Lock 4 hole or other progressive press.

I know that many here frown on combined seat/crimp dies, but if, as you say, your initial plan is to only produce short line ammo I would expect the effect on accuracy would probably not be significant. IMHO.


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Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question - Page 2 Empty Re: Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question

Post by Oleg G 11/22/2020, 4:38 pm

Kate, Roy,

Thanks for your suggestions. The reason I bought a 3-hole press is that it was the only one available Smile
During the time of the great primer shortage, other reloading equipment / supplies / components are scares as well...
Oleg G
Oleg G

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Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question - Page 2 Empty Re: Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question

Post by Schaumannk 11/22/2020, 4:51 pm

Oleg G wrote:Kate, Roy,

Thanks for your suggestions. The reason I bought a 3-hole press is that it was the only one available Smile
During the time of the great primer shortage, other reloading equipment / supplies / components are scares as well...
If you only have a three hole progressive press, I suggest you deprime and resize your brass before cleaning.   I use a wet tumbler.   Priming by hand or on a single stage press is not a bad option.   Probably saves you one or two flipped primers per hundred.   Then use your three hole press for a powder thru expander die,  the seating die, and the separate taper crimp.   

Radjag is correct as well.   If you are only producing short line ammo,  some of these things are not critical.


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Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question - Page 2 Empty Re: Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question

Post by James Hensler 11/22/2020, 6:03 pm

RayJag might have a Lee Auto Breech Lock Pro Press for sale slightly used and only dropped once! Lmao!
James Hensler
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Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question - Page 2 Empty Re: Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question

Post by Guest 11/22/2020, 6:10 pm


Too late, she cried!

I sold it to a returning shooter a couple of weeks ago. But I did not drop anything - other than the price!

I had no idea that presses are in such short supply - I let it go for what now seems a silly price - but I hate to have unused stuff hanging around my loading room, so I was happy to see it go. Lee stuff is always good value and the "consumable" spare parts are always easy to order and inexpensive.

But having, finally, got my Dillon working sweetly (and my Lee APP for case prep), I don't need any other presses any more.


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Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question - Page 2 Empty Re: Lead SWC Bullets: Case belling and seating question

Post by Wobbley 11/22/2020, 6:59 pm

Oleg G wrote:Ashley, would this die be acceptable?

Lee 45 ACP Taper Crimp die

45 ACP/Auto Rim/Scholfield/Win Mag Taper Crimp Die by Lee (midsouthshooterssupply.com)
Yes. Absolutely.

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