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9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP

David R
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9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP Empty 9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP

Post by Wobbley 11/23/2020, 9:33 pm

I’m planning to load some of these bullets for inventory and reserve defensive use. (I know about the admonition to NOT use reloads defensively.) Hornady’s data stops at 1150 and is only reached with two powders: CFEPistol and Accurate #7. I’m trying to get close to the Hornady “American Gunner” load velocity of 1170 fps. I’d like to get somwhere in the 1120-1140fps range. I have Unique, Universal Clays, BE-86, WSF in enough quantity to load all the bullets I have. I believe Hornady’s data is conservative, so I’m asking if anyone has chronographed data you’re willing to share?

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9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP Empty Re: 9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP

Post by S148 11/23/2020, 11:56 pm

What will you be shooting them in?  Will it/they handle +P loads?

If the gun / barrel has good chamber support you can push them pretty hard. I'm thinking 9 Major here. You don't have to go that hot, but folks loading 9 Major are just using guns/chambers with very good chamber support. For example, I use a Kart ramped 5" barrel and push 124s to 1400 fps (but I'm loading bullets to 1.150" OAL). Most of those are highly excess pressure but good chamber support lets you do that. Something to think about. 

I don't think Hornady's data is conservative. If the bullets are seated deep, and the 124 XTPs are in Hornady's manual (1.060), they will hit peak pressure at relatively slow speeds. 

If you can load them longer you can take advantage of that and gain some speed.


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9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP Empty Re: 9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP

Post by S148 11/24/2020, 12:07 am

I have some BE-86 data based on Alliant's manual, and it's probably a max load. Get a copy of their manual on the web. 

125 grain HAP @ 1.095" OAL, 5.8 grains BE-86, CCI 500 or Fed Match primer  =  just over 1300 fps from a 5" Kart barrel. 

I don't have data for your other powders.


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9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP Empty Re: 9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP

Post by noylj 11/24/2020, 6:48 am

Only loads I show that reach 1170fps are all with AA7.
Why are you chasing fps?
Generally, max velocity in 9mm Luger (9x19) is reached with powders from Power Pistol to AA9.


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9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP Empty Re: 9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP

Post by David R 11/24/2020, 7:43 am

I have some data at home, can post tonight.   I have good luck with Unique and Power pistol.

I load to 1.169" but these do not chamber in a lot of guns.

Pretty sure I am getting 1200 fps  from a 5" 1911.
Exact chronographed data tonight. 

I carry relaods for SD.
David R
David R

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9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP Empty Re: 9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP

Post by JIMPGOV 11/24/2020, 7:49 am



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9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP Empty Re: 9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP

Post by Wobbley 11/24/2020, 9:00 am

I plan on using them in a variety of guns, primarily CZ-75 and Browning HP, secondarily in Firestar 9 and an AR PCC clone using Colt mags.  The only gun that might be an issue re +P might be the Firestar.

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9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP Empty Re: 9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP

Post by t-squared 11/24/2020, 9:43 am

Alliant's data for BE-86....

Alliant's data for Unique...

Sierra's 124jhp at 1.075"oal:
Unique- 5.6gr/ 1150fps
Universal clays- 5.3gr/1150fps

Speer's GDHP at 1.120":

I don't see any data that shows Universal Clays or WSF meeting your velocity needs.


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9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP Empty Re: 9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP

Post by PhotoEscape 11/24/2020, 10:13 am

I load 124gr Speer Gold Dot HP as my defensive +P ammo with 7.65gr of A7, at 1.10" OAL with CCI500 primers, 0.375" - 0.377" crimp.  Velocity as tested - 1208fps out of 4.75 barrel (CZ-75/85).  5.0 gr of BE-86 and / or VV340 will clock at about 1140fps with same parameters as above.

When loading for CZ pistols you need to be very cognoscente of the OAL!

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9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP Empty Browning Hi Power

Post by 8eightring 11/24/2020, 10:31 am

Wobbley wrote:I plan on using them in a variety of guns, primarily CZ-75 and Browning HP, secondarily in Firestar 9 and an AR PCC clone using Colt mags.  The only gun that might be an issue re +P might be the Firestar.
You may want to do some research on the use of +P in the Browning Hi Power.  Not saying that you can't use +P in the Hi Power but the Hi Power can't be replaced if you beat it up.

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9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP Empty Re: 9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP

Post by Wobbley 11/24/2020, 11:33 am

I know it can’t be replaced...but the BHP was the choice for the militaries who used 9mm NATO loadings of 124 grains at 1200 fps .  I’m not planning on shooting it a lot, it’s primarily a Home defense gun.

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9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP Empty Re: 9mm Luger load for Hornady 124 XTP

Post by David R 11/24/2020, 1:59 pm

Nosler says 5.6 grains Unique for 1147 fps using a 124 JHP.
I loaded 5.5 over a 125 HAP and got 1154 av. for a 3"   Kimber Micro 9
1246 av.  for a 5" Dan Wesson PM-9   (1911)

Alliant says you can go to 5.8.

Hercules 1992 says for a 124 FMC, 6.2 grains Unique 1170 fps 31300 psi.
My notes show 6 grains Unique over a 124 FMJ  1127 fps 20SD in a 5" gun.

I have chrono NATO and its spot on 1200 FPS. 

David R
David R

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