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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Asa Yam
Jon Eulette
john bickar
James Hensler
bruce martindale
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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 Empty Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Post by beeser Fri 27 Nov - 17:33

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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Post by James Hensler Tue 1 Dec - 22:23

Wobbley wrote:Wasn’t there a guy on here last year reppin a bullet maker in Florida?
If there’s a bullet manufacturing plant in Florida I haven’t heard of them
James Hensler
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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Post by WesG Tue 1 Dec - 23:28


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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Post by Wobbley Tue 1 Dec - 23:48

That’s him!

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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Post by beeser Wed 2 Dec - 0:14

Since I haven't actually seen the infamous H&N 32 HBWC bullet yet what physical characteristics make it so special?


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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Post by James Hensler Wed 2 Dec - 0:47

I haven’t heard a word about that guy
James Hensler
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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Post by WesG Wed 2 Dec - 2:41

He's been making bullets only for commercial loaders up to this point. But it's been a year since his last update. Might be swamped like everybody else in the components biz.


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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Post by john bickar Wed 2 Dec - 3:00

beeser wrote:Since I haven't actually seen the infamous H&N 32 HBWC bullet yet what physical characteristics make it so special?
Patience, Grasshopper. Yours and James's are packed up and addressed; I just need to get to the Post Office to send them out.
john bickar
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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Post by beeser Wed 2 Dec - 3:37

john bickar wrote:
beeser wrote:Since I haven't actually seen the infamous H&N 32 HBWC bullet yet what physical characteristics make it so special?
Patience, Grasshopper. Yours and James's are packed up and addressed; I just need to get to the Post Office to send them out.
Plenty of patience here John.  And thanks again for sending me some samples.  I was just trying to wrap my head around what makes the bullet so special.  If a bullet was here in front of me I would still be asking the same question.  Is it the precision in manufacturing that makes it unique?  Lube grooves if it has any?  Special lube?  Shape of nose or hollow base?  In my brief stint with air rifle competition pellets were meticulously sorted by weight and size.  In a single tin you might get six or more groups with different weights and sizes.  Once a predictable and satisfactory shot pattern was established with one of the groups the other pellets were discarded.  The physical differences were usually very small but it made a difference in shot performance.  While measuring a sample of Speer 32 cal HBWCs I was surprised that diameters ranged from .311 to .314 even though they were supposed to be .314.


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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Post by Wobbley Thu 3 Dec - 0:31

Before people spend tons of money importing tons of bullets, has anyone tried these?


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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Post by fc60 Thu 3 Dec - 0:40


Yes, I did test some Bear Creek a while  back.



Groups fired at 50 yards with a factory Pardini HP barrel (No Choke) mounted in the barrel tester.

Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 000412
Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 000512
Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 000613

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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Post by beeser Fri 4 Dec - 13:51

Looks like an improvement in the reswaged bullet.  Did you give it a different shape or draw some weight out of it?


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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Post by fc60 Fri 4 Dec - 17:52


Since the Bear Creek actually measure 0.314", I first ran them through a sizer so they would fit into my swage die of 0.314".

My notes are incomplete so I would guess that I used my H&N nose and base profile.

Here is a thought. Contact Bear Creek as see if they will sell you "as swaged" bullets. Then gently tumble them in Lee Liquid Alox.

I believe the bullets are getting damaged in the post-swage lubrication process.



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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Post by bruce martindale Fri 4 Dec - 18:54

Ever notice that the H&N have what appears to be a mould line across the nose? Perhaps they are swaging a cast pellet?

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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Post by WesG Fri 4 Dec - 19:12

Or they have a split die to get the lube grooves in it? I've wondered how Lyman made their black powder rifle bullets, and that's what I was looking for when I re-found the 'florida' thread.


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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Post by Guest Mon 14 Dec - 13:00

They need to do what one US swagger has done . They shipped their products as " lead extrusion " . The extrusions are notbullets until they are loaded .


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Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet? - Page 3 Empty Re: Is this the infamous and unobtainium H&N 32 cal HGWC bullet?

Post by Asa Yam Mon 14 Dec - 13:57

dware wrote:They shipped their products as " lead extrusion " . The extrusions are notbullets until they are loaded .
Seem to recall similar shenanigans in Iraq ~1990.  The "gas pipe" they ordered was overspeced (too fine an interior finish).  Pipes were a perfect match for "Big Babylon" though....
Link to "Project Babylon":  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_Babylon

Issue is not limited to firearms-related items.  IIRC, the Japanese Toshiba company was barred from doing business in the US for a decade for similar issues.  Several of their milling machines, combined with Norwegian CNC controllers, were illegally imported into the USSR between 1979 through 1984.  It is believed the 14 tools sent to the Baltic region were used for making more efficient screws - for submarines.  

Links to Toshiba Milling Machine articles:
Wikipedia page, Toshiba-Kongsberg scandal:  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toshiba-Kongsberg_scandal
New York Times Editorial, "US Changes its Stance On Damage by Toshiba", March 14, 1988:  https://www.nytimes.com/1988/03/14/business/us-changes-its-stance-on-damage-by-toshiba.html

ITAR violations are no joke.  Fines levied on "Trade Language" issues can be steep.  This assumes the company stays in business.

Asa Yam

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