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Winchester large pistol primer differences

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Winchester large pistol primer differences Empty Winchester large pistol primer differences

Post by orpheoet 12/3/2020, 11:43 pm

Winchester large pistol primer differences Fd3dbc10
I have 3 kinds. The old regular/magnum and those 2 newer styles. Any differences I should be aware of?

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Age : 57
Location : Berea, Oh

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Winchester large pistol primer differences Empty Re: Winchester large pistol primer differences

Post by john bickar 12/4/2020, 12:05 am

Do you have kids? That's about a year's worth of college tuition in that photo, at today's prices.

If you don't have kids, 1) lucky you; 2) that's a nice motorcycle.
john bickar
john bickar

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Winchester large pistol primer differences Empty Re: Winchester large pistol primer differences

Post by orpheoet 12/4/2020, 12:21 am

john bickar wrote:Do you have kids? That's about a year's worth of college tuition in that photo, at today's prices.

If you don't have kids, 1) lucky you; 2) that's a nice motorcycle.
I see it more as vintage guitars......

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Age : 57
Location : Berea, Oh

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Winchester large pistol primer differences Empty Re: Winchester large pistol primer differences

Post by BE Mike 12/4/2020, 8:16 am

The older ones have been recalled. Luckily for you, I am a designated primer disposal agent. Just send them to me and I'll see that they are properly disposed of.Laughing
BE Mike
BE Mike

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